Recommendations for the care of orchids: what to do next after the phalaenopsis fades?

Phalaenopsis is an ancient flower belonging to the plant family. It was first discovered in Japan and China. This decorative culture has a pretty attractive appearance during flowering.

The color of the petals is diverse, so you can create a real floral arrangement on your balcony or loggia. But it is important to take care of the phalaenopsis not only during flowering, but also after it. This will allow the flower to fully relax and again proceed to the stage of bud formation. From the article we learn what to do next with the orchid when it fades, or has already faded, as well as how to care for the peduncle at home.

General information

Phalaenopsis was so fond of flower growers due to the extraordinary beauty of the flowers. During flowering, the plant can be strewn with flowers in the following shades:

  • yellow;
  • lilac;
  • Violet;
  • red cherry;
  • white.
During this period, phalaenopsis flowers resemble the wings of butterflies, which froze on a dark green sturdy stem.

A feature of phalaenopsis in prolonged flowering. It lasts from December to June. In addition, it is completely uncomplicated to take care of the flower at this time and after flowering. The beauty of phalaenopsis during the flowering period is literally mesmerizing. The plant will be a great decoration for greenhouses, rooms, conservatories.

What determines the duration and frequency of buds?

The duration and time of flowering are directly related to the genetic characteristics of the species. In addition, flower care is a fundamental factor. Proper watering, top dressing, lighting and temperature conditions are important here. Non-compliance with at least one of these requirements is sufficient to reduce the duration of orchid flowering or stop it altogether.

An equally important role is given to the state of the plant: how much it managed to grow stronger after it was separated from the uterine plant or the previous flowering. If all the conditions for caring for a faded orchid were met correctly, then you can see the next flowering of phalaenopsis after 3-6 months.

How to determine that the plant is fading?

It’s possible to understand that the orchid is fading by obvious signs of drying arrows, whereby it changes color. From saturated green it becomes darker, brown. This sign will indicate that flowering is ending and the stem is starting to dry out.

What to do with a flower stalk?

As soon as the phalaenopsis has faded and all the flowers have withered and dried up, the peduncle remains. And here the florists have a logical question: what should be done in a home environment with an arrow of an orchid when it has faded, and what care is needed after that.

Cut the green part immediately after flowering is not necessary. This will induce the plant to throw a new shoot, it will spend a lot of energy and just wither. Before removing the peduncle, wait until it turns yellow and dries. After that, carefully cut it off with scissors or a sharp knife.

The length of the hemp from a dried flower stalk should not be more than 1-2 cm. Process the cut with wax. This will prevent its rot. If the flower has not dried up yet, then you need to wait. This suggests that the flowering has not yet ended and the orchid will please with new inflorescences.

You can read more about pruning orchid flower stalks after flowering here.

How to care for an orchid?


Since phalaenopsis is grown in a transparent container, after flowering, carefully inspect the state of the root system. If dry or rotting parts are present, then remove them with scissors and treat the cut sites with an antiseptic.

Roots that are gray or green are considered healthy. Also subject to inspection are the leaves and stem. If they have spotting and other unhealthy symptoms, then it is better to get rid of them. This will prevent complete infection of the flower.


In order for phalaenopsis to be strong and healthy, and also able to recover after flowering, certain rules must be followed when watering:

  1. You can determine the time for watering by examining the root system of the plant. It is not difficult to do this, because phalaenopsis is grown in transparent pots. If the color of the roots is light gray, then this is a signal of the need for watering. If the root system is green, then this indicates that they are still wet.
  2. Watering the flower should be plentiful. Pour water until the roots of the plant turn green.
  3. Use water at room temperature for watering.
  4. Hydrate phalaenopsis from above.
  5. The root system is sensitive to hard water, so it is worth using rain or boiled water.
  6. After watering, the liquid should not remain in the pan. It must be drained.
  7. If too salty water is used for irrigation, then white spots form on the leaves of the flower. You can clean them with water and lemon juice.

Top dressing

Fertilizers for phalaenopsis are vital, both before flowering and after it. Just apply them after flowering in a dosage reduced by 2 times. And although the orchid itself can get the necessary trace elements from the environment. But regular application of nutrients contributes to rapid growth and abundant flowering in the future.

Feed the flower with every 3rd watering. To do this, use special complex fertilizers designed for phalaenopsis. After flowering, nutrient mixtures containing phosphorus and potassium in an increased concentration are important for the flower, but the amount of nitrogen there should be minimal.


For phalaenopsis, there is no need to specifically regulate the temperature in the apartment. It is as if specially created for this plant. In the warm season, the temperature should be 22-25 degrees Celsius, and in the cold - 18-20 degrees.

Attention! Night and day temperatures should differ by at least 5 degrees. This will stimulate the plant to a new flowering and buds.

But it is impossible to lower the temperature regime for a long time, otherwise cracks and dents will appear on the leaves from the cold. The flower responds positively to fresh air. So in the winter to air indoors, avoiding drafts.


Phalaenopsis does not have special requirements for high humidity. You can grow them in an ordinary apartment. Humidity can vary between 40-70%.

At lower rates, the plant may go down, the color of its leaves will change, and the flowers will dry and fall. A similar phenomenon occurs during the heating season or during the summer heat. To increase humidity, moist claydite is suitable, moisturize air or water containers placed near the plant.


For phalaenopsis after flowering, you need to choose a place where there will be a little diffused light. Direct sunlight is not allowed on the flower. If there is enough lighting, then the orchid grows for a long time and abundantly. Otherwise, the leaves wither, stretch, become light green in color and turn yellow.

In the summer, when intense light radiation is observed, home phalaenopsis requires pretension. This will allow the flower to adapt well after the winter period, and its leaves will not receive sunburn. For use, use clear plastic or matte film.

In the fall, blackout is not required, since the duration of daylight hours is reduced. During this period, new flower buds are laid at the flower and shoots ripen. So you have to extend the duration of daylight hours so that it is 20 hours. This will help luminaires with fluorescent lamps.

Possible problems

With improper care of the phalaenopsis after flowering, a delay in the next flowering occurs (you can find out the reasons for the lack of flowering here, but here we talked about how to make the orchid blossom in this case). In some cases, the leaves wilt and even the entire plant dries. This is observed in based on the fault of the grower. The most common orchid care mistakes at home:

  • removal of the peduncle before it dries;
  • very short (less than 2 cm) cropping arrows;
  • too plentiful and frequent fertilizing;
  • location on a too lighted window.

When and how to transplant?

Phalaenopsis transplantation is required when its roots overflow the pot. You will have to arrange the flower in a large container. Carry out such events no more than once every 2-3 years.


  1. Water the plant well before replanting.
  2. Carefully remove the flower so as not to damage the root system. Orchids adversely affect root damage during transplantation during dormancy.
  3. Transplant the flower into a new pot with new nutrient soil.
  4. During the transplantation process, voids formed near the roots do not need to be densified. This will minimize their damage.
  5. Do not water the transplanted crop for 5 days. This time will be enough for the wounds on the roots to dry and heal.

Phalaenopsis blooms very beautifully and abundantly. From such beauty and an abundance of colors it is literally breathtaking. But in many respects this is the merit of the grower who carefully and regularly looks after the flower. So that start this beauty is only for those who can give her care, attention and proper care.

Watch the video: First Orchid Care : TOP #5 TIPS for Phalaenopsis Beginners (October 2024).

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