The subtleties of care, growing from seeds and planting sedum "Lizard"

Stonecrop Rubens "Lizard" - a highly decorative, rare variety, grown as a potted houseplant, used for planting in rockeries, on alpine hills, rocky compositions, multi-tiered flower beds and flower beds.

In the article, we consider the characteristics of this variety, learn about whether it is difficult to grow and how long it lives, as well as how to properly care for the plant.

Plant description

Characterization, homeland and prevalence

Stonecrop Rubens "Lizard" (Sedum rubens Lizard) - refers to the type of stonecrop Rubens. It is also called stonecrop blushing. Succulent belongs to the family Crassulaceae. The flower is grown as a decorative groundcover.

Natural varieties grow on the Balkan Peninsula, In North America, Western Europe. Some species grow in the Crimea. The natural habitat is open gravel and clay slopes, light forests, rocky terrain, rocky gorges.

Important! The population of this species is small - up to 20 species. Among them is Rubens' Sedum "Lizard."

In nature, this species is listed in the Red Book of Crimea. It is considered a rare species, is protected on the territory of nature reserves, state reserves ("Kastel" and "New World").


The variety belongs to undersized shrubs. The height of an adult bush is 5 - 15 cm in height. The stems are straight, strongly branched at the top, numerous. The structure of the shoots is pubescent, sticky. The leaves are fleshy, oblong, grow alternately. The leaves at the base of the shoots are spaced, densely located at the top of the stem. The length of the sheet plate is up to 2cm. Under the influence of sunlight, the rounded tops acquire a reddish or pink hue.

Inflorescences are simple one-sided branches connecting single small flowers. The flowers are sessile, star-shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter. They have 5 pointed petals. Petals are wide, oblong, up to 0.5 cm in length. Petals outside are covered with hairs. Stamens are white, few in number, up to 5 in each flower. The color of the flowers is white, pinkish-white inflorescences are found. The root system is fibrous.

Similar plants

  • Sedum "Plate", as well as sediment Rubens "Lizard" refers to undersized varieties. The leaves are fleshy, thick, dense.
  • Sedum Morgana forms a small bush. The leaves are dull, roundish, densely sitting on the top of the stem.
  • Sedum "Red-painted" also has a reddish tinge of thick leaves. The variety is drought tolerant.
  • Stonecrop white "Coral Carpet" grows in a low creeping bush, up to 5 cm in height. By autumn, thick fleshy leaves acquire a purple hue.
  • Sedum white "Faro Form" - a low-cover ground bush also has small leaves located in clusters on the stem. In summer, the leaf plate turns red.

Is it easy to grow and how long does it live?

Stonecrop Rubens "Lizard" refers to fast-growing varieties, grows well. The stems evenly spread over the surface of the substrate, the bush retains decorativeness all year long. The plant is grown in groups, forming thick carpet living coverings, looks good among the stones.

The species is considered cold-resistant, wintering without shelter in southern climatic conditions. It can tolerate frosts up to 8 - 10 0C. It is considered a drought tolerant variety.

Important! To preserve the decorativeness of the bush, the plant should be transplanted and rejuvenated once every 4 to 5 years.

With proper care, regular transplantation of young and timely rejuvenation of adult bushes, planting of this variety live in flower beds for 5-6 years.


Stonecrop Rubens "Lizard" prefers bright direct sun. In apartment conditions, southern, southeastern windows are suitable for growing. In the open ground, the bushes are well adapted to seasonal air temperatures.

In apartment conditions in the spring-summer period it is recommended to observe a temperature regime of up to 20 0С.

During the rest period, the pots are recommended to be rearranged in a cooler place. Winter temperature should be reduced to 12 - 14 0C.

Watering plants requires moderate. In summer, watering is more frequent, especially in drought, once every 7-10 days. In the fall, watering is reduced. In winter, moisten the substrate 1 time per month. Watering should be under the root or in the pan.

Important! To avoid getting the roots wet, excess moisture from the sump drains immediately after watering.

The bushes do not require additional humidification and spraying. Avoid gusts of cold air and drafts. Frequent airing of the room is recommended; musty air is not allowed.

Fertilizing the soil is enough 1 time per season, when planting. Complex mineral top dressing is used for succulents or cacti. Phosphorus - potash fertilizers well influence growth and development. This variety can tolerate winter without shelter in the southern and middle latitudes.

In colder climatic conditions, it is required to mulch the soil with crushed stone or peat before hibernation. After flowering, long peduncles are trimmed to preserve the decorativeness of the bushes.



The easiest and fastest way. Cuttings are carried out every spring. Young healthy shoots and leaves are used. You can root in a sandy substrate or perlite, without deepening. Leaves and cuttings are located on the surface of the substrate.

Pre-seedlings are dried in the shade for 1 day. Rooting is quick and painless. After 2 weeks, with the appearance of young leaves, transplantation into separate shallow containers for growth is required.

Cuttings can be rooted immediately near adult bushes, in the open ground. Watering in the first 10 days is plentiful, in small doses.

Seed cultivation

Compost, ash and coarse sand must be added to the substrate. Sowing containers should be shallow, wide. Sowing is carried out in the early spring.

Seed planting scheme:

  1. In boxes with the finished mixture, seeds are evenly distributed over the surface without burial. Pre-soaking seeds in a weak solution of manganese for 2 to 3 hours.
  2. Sowing is moistened with a spray.
  3. Capacities are covered with a film.
  4. Sowing is aired daily.
  5. Boxes are installed in a cool room, air temperature - 8 0C.
  6. After 2 weeks, the containers are rearranged to room temperature, the shelter is removed.
  7. Seedlings dive when 2-3 leaves appear.
Important! Seedlings do not always retain varietal characteristics.

Bush division

Adult bushes, aged 4 to 5 years, should be planted. In the spring, the mother bush is being dug up. Each separated part should have a part of a healthy root and several young shoots. When transplanting, it is required to trim old shoots, dry and damaged root processes.


Landing in the open ground is carried out in May. The soil should be well-drained with crushed stone, crumbs of red brick, polystyrene.

The composition of the substrate:

  • Garden land - 1 hour
  • Sod land - 1 h.
  • Peat - 1 hour
  • Sand - 1 hour
  • Drainage.

For good growth, it is recommended to periodically loosen the substrate and weed out.

Landing procedure:

  1. Digging the site.
  2. Dig holes with a diameter of up to 40 cm at a distance of 10 - 15 cm for better tillering of plants.
  3. Humus is added to each well.
  4. Saplings are buried, covered with soil.
  5. The substrate is slightly compacted.
  6. Watering is moderate.
  7. Temporary shading of young seedlings is required.

Difficulties in maintaining

  • Dampness of the soil provokes the appearance of root rot, infectious leaf spot. It is required to remove infected parts, a transplant is desirable.
  • From false caterpillars, aphids, ticks, bushes should be treated with any insecticides.
  • From a lack of light, the bush loses its shape, the stems are stretched.
  • If the lower leaves dry, turn yellow, moisten the substrate.
  • Excessive dressing deforms the leaves, the root neck can rot.

Stonecrop Rubens "Lizard" - unpretentious plant. With proper care, regular pruning and planting, it retains a beautiful, rounded shape of the bush all season.

Watch the video: Ultimate Funny Lizard Compilation of 2018. Funny Pet Videos (October 2024).

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