How to choose a kitchen design with a refrigerator

All kitchens are different, have a different area and layout, like the apartments themselves. When the room is large, no problems arise with the placement of an object in the interior. But when the area is very small, for example, if the kitchen is seven meters, or even four, you’ll think about where it’s best to place such an important object as a refrigerator in it. However, do not reinvent the wheel, as in nature, there are already several such options that allow you to build a refrigerator in any room of the kitchen, while receiving minimal territorial costs.

The angle is the most appropriate option.

In order to save space in the kitchen, planning experts advise, even strongly recommend that you use the available free corners for installing the refrigerator. After all, placing it in a corner, he will not bother anyone from moving around the room, especially if you select the dimensions of the refrigerator for the dimensions of all the furniture in the kitchen - in this case it will not stand out from the general line and will not bother anyone.

Among other things, there are several collections offering narrower and elongated designs of refrigerators, which is the best solution to save space.

Another option is a refrigerator at the door

If the kitchen is very small, then this option will be even more convenient and comfortable. When using a high refrigerator, a wall immediately forms, producing additional zoning of the room. And sometimes it will be advisable to dismantle the door, thus expanding the room and increasing the door arch. You can create a separate drywall niche for embedding the refrigerator, then the room will completely take on a complete look.

Another solution is a refrigerator under the worktop.

This option is perfect for small kitchens, fortunately, for this there is a fridge-small, having a size about the same as a washing machine. Therefore, it is easily placed under the work surface and is simply a saving option in cases where the kitchen is too small. Very often, such kitchenettes can be found in studio apartments.

A good option is a refrigerator built into the kitchen

For such a solution, a sufficient area of ​​the kitchen is needed. The refrigerator built into the kitchen furniture is very convenient and completely invisible in the kitchen cabinet if the doors are closed.

If you prefer a stainless steel fridge

If you are a fan of stainless steel and at the same time do not want your refrigerator to stand out in the interior, then you need to add this type of decoration to the design. For example, having placed in the interior of the kitchen any other items from the same material, for example, a stainless steel stove. And then it’s not the refrigerator that will attract attention in the first place, but the whole stylish composition. If there are two furnaces at once, then usually they are located one on the other.

Fridge disguised as a cupboard

If you want to hide the refrigerator so that it does not spoil the overall interior of the kitchen, in this case, the ideal solution would be to disguise it as a cabinet. Then it will take some time to find it.

Do not forget to choose a color for the refrigerator

Very often when buying a refrigerator people do not always think about what color it should be. In most cases, white standard refrigerators or metal colors are purchased. While today there is a huge selection of refrigerators with a wide variety of stylish shades, including even red and black. In other words, if you choose the right color correctly and correctly, your refrigerator can take the place of the main decorative element and decorate the entire interior as a whole.

Although, it should be recognized that while color refrigerators are not as popular as, for example, steel-colored stainless steel. But, acquiring such a refrigerator, do not forget to purchase some other household appliances from the same material in pair with it. Only in this case, the refrigerator will look stylish.

And what style your kitchen is made in is not so important. Such refrigerators are appropriate in almost any interior style and they are designed for rooms of any size. If you nevertheless purchase a refrigerator of a traditional white color, then some other white object, as well as a steel refrigerator, is also needed in pair with it. It can be a microwave or an extractor fan - anything.

And further. Today there is an even more sophisticated way of decorating kitchen appliances - it is painted with an elegant pattern and even complemented by all kinds of rhinestones and crystals. I must say, an unusually strong impression is made from bright prints throughout the door, for example, in the form of a sunflower, striped zebra, mouth-watering olives or a half-opened tulip. However, if you wish, you can decorate even the most ordinary refrigerator, moreover, with your own hands. And this can be done with vinyl stickers, so popular recently.

Watch the video: How to buy a fridge you won't hate (October 2024).

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