Why did spathiphyllum drop leaves after transplantation, wilted, or even turned black? What to do with it?

According to statistics, women are given flowers in pots much more often than in bouquets. The leader among pets is considered to be spathiphyllum.

By giving a snow-white flower brings happiness to the female half. Therefore, the owners of this miracle will be informative to learn about the rules of detention and the problems that arise after transplantation.

You will learn why the flower withers, or why its leaves turn yellow, or why it turns black, and also what to do with all this.

What plant care is required?

The transplant process for indoor exotics is a kind of stress.

Important! Consequences after a change of soil, the plant experiences acutely the first 1-2 weeks.

And in order for the acclimatization process to go smoothly, certain requirements for the conditions for the maintenance of spathiphyllum should be observed.

  1. High humidity is required in the range of 50-70%. This parameter can be created manually with a spray bottle of water or using a household humidifier.
  2. Adequate watering. The root system of the plant must always be in moist soil. Moisten the flower daily or every 2 days, but at least.
  3. Choose a lighted place in the house. Spacifillum needs sunlight, but not scorching rays. Therefore, it is important to foresee everything, and intense light should be dimmed with a curtain.

Main problems

It happens that the process of updating the soil mixture did not pass without a trace.

Subsequently, the plant began to hurt, and symptoms began to affect his appearance.

  • Wilts, leaves fall.
  • Yellowed tips and tip.
  • Black edges of the sheet.
  • Yellow spots on a leaf plate.

If such phenomena are on the face, then it's time to figure out the reasons and take measures in order to have time to prevent the death of the flower.

Why arise and what to do with them?

After transplantation, spaciphyllum is sickspending all his strength on recovery.

Attention! The immunity of the plant is weakened if any adverse events occur, everything is reflected in the processes of life.

At this time, the pet requires a little more attention than usual.

Flower wilt

  • Time. The transplant process came at the wrong time when the plant is blooming. Perhaps, after the operation, spathiphyllum leaves for a long time. Without inflorescences, he recovered much faster. The best time to change the soil is the beginning of spring, if the plant in flowers should wait 1-2 weeks before graduation.
  • Frequent transplant. It is recommended that an adult exotica change and renew the soil every 3-4 years. A young plant that is not three years old - annually. But it happens that flower growers, by inexperience, constantly arrange a soil change every 24 months, to which the spathiphyllum reacts with wilting leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil. Lack of a drainage layer. A heavy, clogged, acidic environment negatively affects the condition of the flower, resulting in drooping foliage. A new, ready-made substrate based on peat, which is moist above and dry inside, water does not flow to the roots. The substrate dries quickly, the flower does not have enough moisture.
  1. After watering, check how wet the soil is, what its structure is.
  2. If wet a little, remove the plant from the flowerpot, remove the remains of peat soil from the roots.
  3. Transplant the flower again into a light, uniform soil.
  4. Mandatory drainage 2 cm thick.


  • Excessive moisture. With frequent watering and spraying, the root system begins to gradually rot. Diseases of the roots are reflected by the darkening of most of the leaf, which cannot absorb the amount of water that is given.


    1. Take the plant out of the pot, analyze the root system.
    2. Remove dry, dark brown, non-living roots.
    3. Disinfect cuts.
    4. Let them dry.
    5. Transplant the flower into a new dry soil, watering immediately is not necessary.
    6. In the future, normalize the irrigation system.
  • Dry air. Oddly enough, low humidity in the room can provoke such phenomena. In this case, the leaf itself is green, black only the tips. This is especially true if the plant was transplanted in the winter, when heating appliances are working.

    Reference. Humidity should be increased by daily spraying, a humidifier, or the plant can be put in a tray with wet expanded clay.

Withered foliage

We will tell you why the flower lowered the leaves and what to do with it.

  • Dry soil. This is a fairly common cause of wilted leaves. Lack of moisture and, therefore, nutrients, provokes the loss of leaf turgor, sluggish stem.

    Solution: it is enough to water the plant, but sometimes the process is started, that you need to soak the root system for 15-20 minutes, in a container of water. Leaves also moisten. This happens, especially if the top layer is peat.

  • Air humidity. Spathiphyllum loves humidified air, this is due to its natural habitat. Therefore, at home, it reacts sharply to dry air. The consequences are downy leaves.


    1. Spray with warm purified water at least twice a day.
    2. Put a container of water with a flower.
    3. Alternatively, place a pot near the aquarium.
    4. Use a household humidifier.
  • Stagnant water. And again, excess watering can only do harm. Fading leaves are a symptom of rotting roots. Therefore, it is important to control the frequency of hydration and the amount of fluid.

    Solution: instructions for resuscitation of a plant from moist soil are described earlier.

Turned yellow

Incorrect lighting. At the end of the transplant, the pot with the plant was moved to the windowsill on the south side.

It has quite intense lighting. Hot rays of the sun provoke yellowing, spots, the so-called thermal burns, which cause serious damage to the plant.

Solution: put the flowerpot in a cooler place, possibly in the middle of the room. Or on windows on the east or north sides, keep away from direct sunlight, especially in the summer months.

  1. Lack of watering.
  2. Low humidity in the room.
  3. Unsuitable soil composition.


Of course, to avoid such problems, spathiphyllum should be protected from the influence of external factors. Therefore, it is advised to hold the flower in greenhouse conditions for a couple of weeks. That is, create a mini hotbed, or simply cover the plant with a plastic bag. There, maintain a temperature of + 23-25 ​​° C, high humidity. Carry out regular watering as necessary, do not forget to daily air the greenhouse. After a while, the flower can be moved to its place and continue to grow under the same conditions.

If, after the transplant, adhere to the above recommendations, then you will not have to study the symptoms and take measures to treat room exotics. Take care of your pet in a difficult time for him, and he will respond with lush, long flowering.

Watch the video: A plant rookie mistake droopy peace lily (October 2024).

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