Concentrated fertilizer for Bona Forte orchids. Instructions for use and recommendations

Orchid is a capricious lady from tropical latitudes. Each grower who buys her will subsequently spend a lot of time on care. So that it blooms profusely and for a long time, he regularly fertilizes it, spending a certain amount of money on top dressing. For 170 rubles, they buy a bottle with Bona Forte fertilizer of 285 ml. This fertilizer is special. ...
  • What is a facet on a mirror, forms and methods of processing

    Reflective surfaces on ceilings, walls, furniture facades are actively used to create an original interior in apartments, houses, offices. One of the most unusual design decisions is the facet on the mirror, what it is - not everyone knows. Meanwhile, such products qualitatively transform any environment, give it personality and presentability. ...
  • Modern design of a private house in Germany

    Europeans increasingly prefer to purchase housing away from the noisy streets of megalopolises, but at the same time not far from "civilization". Two-story brick capital buildings are an excellent option for a medium-sized family. As a rule, such structures have strict forms and symmetrical parameters. Gable roofs, on which solar panels will subsequently be placed to save energy, are covered with bright tiles. ...
  • Why sliding beds for two children are popular, their positive features

    An excellent option for a small children's bedroom is a two-level bed. It will significantly save space and will become a convenient place for sleeping and relaxing children. Due to the variety of design solutions, such an option as a pull-out bed for two children can become not only a full-fledged bed, but also a functional play area. ...
  • Living room in two colors: photos of the original interiors

    The living room is the room where people are most often in the daytime, because it is here that they spend time with friends, guests or relatives. The main task of the owner is to create a warm and cozy atmosphere, which can be realized using a combination of wallpaper in two colors. The combination of wallpaper in the design of the room can not only emphasize the furniture, but also put the right accents, which will attract attention. ...
  • Stretch ceilings: pros and cons

    Recently, with the development of building technologies, stretch ceilings have become increasingly popular. Due to the thin PVC film of special composition and quality, such a ceiling is able to create a perfectly smooth surface. Stretch ceilings, according to most consumers - it is beautiful, functional and durable. ...
  • Chinese decorative wisteria - a wonderful decoration for the garden and home

    Remember the series “Desperate Housewives”? All the action took place on the street Wisteria Lane. The street got its name thanks to the flowers that grew everywhere and served as the same decoration for the dramatic events of the series as the houses of the main characters. What is this wisteria? This is Wisteria Chinese lush flowering, ornamental plant. ...
  • Features of choosing a car bed, an overview of popular models

    To diversify life and cheer up a small impressionable child is, first of all, to decorate "his world" with your favorite things. The focus is on the room. Here he spends most of his time. This is his fortress, his place where he can retire, his personal space. And it, first of all, should be comfortable. ...
  • Tree house

    The practicality and sobriety of modern life sometimes leaves no room for a fairy tale. And sometimes it seems that today only children can dream. Have you dreamed about your nook, such as a treehouse? If so, then it will be doubly interesting for you to know that today such an architectural structure can be not only a children's toy, but also a fully-fledged place to relax in your country house. ...
  • Garden perennial geranium on your site: description, reproduction and care

    Geranium is a hardy plant with beautiful flowers and leaves. This plant has taken root well as a room flowerpot; various beliefs and signs make up it according to it. If you do not have time to grow seedlings of annual flowers every year, planting garden perennial geraniums in the country house will significantly reduce the laboriousness of decorating the flowerbed. ...
  • Diseases and pests of violets and methods of dealing with them

    Violet is one of the most popular types of indoor plants. They appreciate her for delicate and graceful flowers, which, with proper care, will delight with their bright colors almost all year round. But lush flowering can overshadow the diseases and pests that occur mainly due to improper care. ...
  • Forged artifacts or blacksmithing in the interior

    The origins of the blacksmithing craft are lost in the haze of the past at the dawn of the first civilizations. Weapons and armor, household items and works of art served people from century to century. And today, forged artifacts continue to attract the attention of many. Part of the reason for this interest is their ability to naturally combine with various objects and materials of our time. ...
  • Insects as a way to kill aphids and who else eats the parasite? Effective Fighting Rules

    For aphid plants, this is a pest insect that feeds on their juice, thereby preventing it from growing and developing. Infection of aphids greatly reduces crop yields, upsetting gardeners and gardeners. This leads to the search for effective insect control methods. In addition to chemicals, there are many other, natural ways to kill aphids. ...
  • What bark can I use for orchids and how can I make it myself?

    Orchid is a capricious house plant, when taking care of which it is necessary to observe a number of rules. It is necessary to grow a flower on a special substrate, the main component of which remains the bark. You can buy it ready-made from the manufacturer or do it yourself. In this article, we will talk about why the bark is used, what benefits it brings to the flower, which is needed and suitable for this family of plants, how to make it yourself, as well as other important nuances. ...
  • A bold black and white interior design with neon lights

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with one interesting project for decorating an apartment in black and white. When arranging the apartments, bright furniture and neon lights were used as accents of the interior in black and white. The resulting image of the home can be called not only modern, bold, dramatic and a bit adventurous. ...
  • Aloe will help boost immunity! Folk recipes from agave juice with honey

    In general, strengthening immunity is necessary for children and the elderly. However, it is important to do this so as not to harm the immune system. In this case, traditional medicine will help. Means based on the natural components of aloe and honey are affordable and easy to prepare at home. ...