Treat sinusitis: remedies for this disease based on cyclamen

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that affects the maxillary sinuses. To combat it, you can use not only pharmacy drugs, but also medicinal plants, one of which remains cyclamen. It has long been used in the complex treatment of sinusitis, as it allows you to overcome the disease in a short time. ...
  • Scandinavian style kitchen: beautiful decoration, selection of furniture and decor

    Content: What is Scandinavian cuisine? Choice of furniture Decorative decorations Lighting White kitchen Modern design Scandinavian-style kitchen is always spacious and clean. This is because in this type of arrangement light colors are used that can optically enlarge even the smallest interior. ...
  • Modern design of a private house in Germany

    Europeans increasingly prefer to purchase housing away from the noisy streets of megalopolises, but at the same time not far from "civilization". Two-story brick capital buildings are an excellent option for a medium-sized family. As a rule, such structures have strict forms and symmetrical parameters. Gable roofs, on which solar panels will subsequently be placed to save energy, are covered with bright tiles. ...
  • How to glue on liquid nails

    In modern construction, there are many such materials that began to be used not so long ago. This is especially true for various kinds of dry mixes, modern adhesives, and paints and varnishes. Their use primarily increases the quality of work, and secondly, the drying time is reduced, thereby accelerating the process of work. ...
  • Features of DIY sofa repair, tips for beginners

    During operation, upholstered furniture wears out, loses its original appearance. Dents on the seat, failure of the spring unit and damaged upholstery are the most common problems. You can solve them without serious costs by repairing the sofa with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals. ...
  • In what currency is it better to store money in 2019 in Russia - expert opinion

    Good afternoon! I have some small savings. The question arose in which currency is it best to store money: in rubles, dollars or euros? Andrey, 32 years old, Russia, Yekaterinburg For many people, the issue of keeping savings is relevant. In modern society, often people want to save their savings in foreign currency. ...
  • Spathiphyllum: how to plant with seeds or seedlings? Process instruction and further care

    Spathiphyllum is the most successful flower for a gift, because with its appearance in the house an absolutely comfortable atmosphere is established. Legend claims that this houseplant has truly magical powers. No wonder it is called "Feminine Happiness", according to popular belief, if you give it to a young girl, then very soon she will meet with a loved one. ...
  • Modern living room - a mix of design ideas

    Thinking about remodeling a living room or renovating a room common for the whole family from scratch, we often cannot decide which style in the interior we prefer. Many are close to ageless classics, but I want the atmosphere of the room to be dynamic and modern. Almost any modern living room contains technological innovations; all kinds of gadgets and their presence must also be taken into account and harmoniously integrated into the living room. ...
  • What can be cooked from beans - 9 recipes

    It may seem strange, but not every housewife cooks beans. Many do not even realize that in addition to the usual soup or borscht, it is easy to prepare dishes very popular in other countries from it. Beans are a godsend for a true vegetarian. In composition, it can easily replace even meat. It is dark, light, red, green, asparagus. ...
  • Shelving: features, types and master classes

    Every year, such a piece of furniture as a shelf becomes more and more popular. The option without a back wall looks great as a decorative element. In addition, such designs are often used to store small items, accessories or zoning spaces. Moreover, the rack can be made independently. ...
  • "Male happiness" in your home: types and varieties of anthurium and care for it

    The legend of the origin of Anthurium tells about a girl of unearthly beauty, who gave her life in the name of love and fidelity. Whether this is fiction or fiction is unknown to us, however, anthuriums have long been considered classics and appreciated by flower growers from all corners of the planet. A choice of gardeners now offers a huge number of plants - more than 900 species and about 77 hybrid varieties of anthurium. ...
  • Rustic style in the interior - the style of all times and peoples

    Perhaps, having read the title of this article, a picture of a village house will appear in front of your eyes. What it is "drawn" is hard to say. Maybe you are lucky, who grew up in the village and knows the village way of life. Or maybe this picture is inspired by films. It is possible that now you live in a village. And all of you are united by the desire to find out what today's village house is. ...
  • Tips for making a highchair with your own hands, master classes

    Pursuing the design of a room for a child, parents tend to purchase furniture made from natural materials. But in addition to the high cost, a limited selection of options is sometimes not satisfied. The solution will be a highchair with your own hands, which can be supplemented with a table in the same design. A variety of models, simplicity and affordability of manufacturing will help create a real masterpiece. ...
  • Popular types of notocactus: Otto, Verneri, Rehsky and others

    Notocactus (Notocactus) got its name from the place of growth ("notius" in the translation south). Belongs to the cactus family. His homeland is considered South America. In the natural environment, it grows on rocks and cliffs. You can meet it at an altitude of 2 thousand meters. Already in the third year you can admire its flowering. ...
  • Novelties of apartment design - trends of 2019

    Fashion penetrates all spheres of our life - in some aspects they are inexorable and strict, in others it is tolerant and supportive. Fashion trends in the field of designing living spaces are not as cruel as the catwalk fashion. The interior, created in accordance with the latest trends, will be relevant for several years - especially if it was created in accordance with the personal preferences of the owners and was focused on maximum individual comfort. ...
  • Kitchen 5 sq. m - practical ideas for design, repair, redevelopment

    The miniature kitchen in the apartment can be stylish and attractive, but it also requires a thorough approach in the arrangement. Thoughtful design is necessary for the development of space in a small room. Quite often, a kitchen of 5 square meters. m, if you try, it becomes more interesting and original than those whose square meters do not create problems for the designer. ...
  • Vitamins all year round. Is it possible to grow a lemon and how to do it right?

    Indoor lemon is a beautiful evergreen tree. It pleases the owners with a subtle aroma and delicate beautiful flowers. A young tree can give up to 30 fruits per year, and an adult - up to 200. To grow long-awaited fruits, you need to know the rules and features of growing a subtropical plant. This article will help you find out if it is possible to grow lemons at home, choose a suitable variety, avoid mistakes and understand the intricacies of growing and caring for a lemon tree at home and in the open ground from A to Z. ...