How to choose a sweet and ripe melon correctly

In the article I will tell you how to choose a melon torpedo correctly. Guided by tips, buy a sweet and ripe melon.

Melon is a favorite treat of many people. The main thing is to choose aromatic, sweet, juicy and ripe. It is not regrettable that not always a beautiful instance is tasty. The fruit of the melon is pumpkin, from the point of view of botany, this plant is a vegetable, and from the point of view of cooking, it is a fruit.

  1. Place of purchase. I recommend buying this gourd in a supermarket or in a special market. Some buy along roads and highways. Do not do this. Plants easily absorb toxins and heavy metals.
  2. License. Having decided on the place of purchase, ask the seller to show the license for trade and the conclusion of the SES. A diligent seller will gladly provide documentation. If instead of documents he offers an interesting story about how good his goods are, do not mess and look for sweetness elsewhere.
  3. Fetus. The peel of a melon is not very dense, so choose a whole vegetable, without cracks, dents or spots. In such damage, harmful bacteria can settle. Do not buy cut fruit. No one can guarantee that they cut with a clean knife, what to say about the cleanliness of the hands of sellers. Cut pulp is an ideal medium for the rapid growth of bacteria.
  4. Smell. The ripe fruit has a pleasant aroma with pineapple, honey or pear notes. Unripe ones don't smell at all.
  5. Inspection. Be sure to slap on the surface. If ripe, hear a muffled sound. "Tail" choose thick and dry, and "nose" - a little soft.

The season itself is the beginning of autumn. At this time, buy a ripe fruit. Late melons are considered quite beneficial. The secret of benefits lies in the cultivation technology, which does not involve the use of a large number of fertilizers.

People buy melons and often disappointed upon returning home, because the fruit was immature, and you can only dream of sweetness. My tips will help you choose a sweet melon. Therefore, you protect yourself from buying a tasteless dummy.

  1. Take a sniff. A good melon will delight you with a sweet aroma. If there is no smell, it makes no sense to buy a product. Choose a sweet vegetable in trusted stores located away from dirty and polluted places.
  2. Inspect the fetus. If there are suspicious browning and mechanical damage, you should not buy. A ripe version makes a dull sound when tapped, and weightiness indicates ripeness. The technique resembles the method of choosing watermelon.
  3. The surface of a good melon has a uniform color. If spots and streaks are present on the peel, the sample is most likely immature. Gray and brown spots are the first sign of rotting.
  4. When ripe, the peel becomes softer. Do not disregard this moment. Hard melon is unripe, while excessive softness indicates overriding. Shape and color depend on the variety.
  5. At home, after cutting, inspect the seeds. If they are large and easily move away from the pulp, everything is in order.
Video tips

The described action plan when choosing never failed me.

How to choose a torpedo melon

It is difficult to find a person who refuses a piece of fragrant and juicy melon. True, the acquisition of a sweet dessert is not always successful. Often overripe or unripe fruits.

Torpedo - a late variety, characterized by an elongated shape, unusual aroma and sweet taste.

  1. The peel of the sweet torpedo is light yellow. It is completely covered with thin yellow rough grooves forming a cobweb. If on the surface a huge number of such furrows with a large branching - melon is very tasty. But spots and cracks should not be.
  2. The torpedo is pretty solid to the touch. If the seller, an individual entrepreneur, shows a soft vegetable, apparently, he is trying to sell an overripe fruit that has been lying in the sun for a long time.
  3. The aroma of a tasty and ripe fruit cannot be hidden. There are times when a melon has all the signs of maturity, but does not smell at all. Guided by the aroma. Sweetness and lack of aroma are concepts that are mutually exclusive.
  4. Tail. If dry, then the fruit is ripe and plucked in time. Often sellers offer melons without ponytails. So they hide immaturity.
  5. Nose. This is a flower trail located opposite the tail. In a quality melon, it is slightly soft.
  6. The torpedo pulp is fragrant, juicy and light. True, the store will not be able to verify this. So you can be sure of maturity and quality on this basis only at home.

Going to the store, do not forget about the tips, so buy only a tasty and ripe sweet vegetable. Before I finish this part of the article, I will share a few more recommendations.

  1. Sellers must have documents. If the seller has shown displeasure instead of documents, look for another stall or store.
  2. In no case do not buy melons that lie on bare ground or close to the road. Otherwise, buy not a sweet fruit, but a source of toxins, heavy metals and harmful substances.
  3. Cut melons must not be bought. Otherwise, health may be damaged.
  4. Even if you want to eat a piece of a torpedo, and on the street in July, be patient. The best pumpkins arrive on the market in early autumn.

Choose a ripe melon

The most delicious and ripe melons appear on sale in late August. Two varieties are sold in stores that are not afraid of transportation and long-term storage - a collective farmer and a torpedo.

The first is inferior to the second in sweetness, but significantly superior in aroma. Sometimes sold and nutmeg brought from other countries. But, they are far from sweet vegetables grown in domestic fields.

Let's talk about places where to buy melons. The list includes shops, supermarkets, official markets, and crashes equipped for food trading. Here vegetables and fruits are stored in normal conditions, and the premises themselves undergo a sanitary inspection.

Buying along the roads is not worth it. This is fraught with food poisoning. Typically, such sellers do not have sanitary books, and all products are covered with dust and saturated with harmful substances.

  1. Do not buy cracked and cut melons. The sweet pulp of a ripe fruit is an ideal place for the reproduction of bacteria.
  2. When choosing a ripe sample, carefully inspect the tail. If it is dry - all is well.
  3. Check for ripeness will help and light cotton on the surface. To dispel doubts should a dull sound.
  4. If you lightly press your fingers on the peel, the ripe slightly springy. Excessive hardness indicates immaturity, and excessive softness indicates overripeness.
  5. The smell also helps to determine ripeness. Ripe melon smells of pineapple, vanilla and even pears. The lack of aroma should alert.

Guided by these tips, easily buy a delicious melon. True, remember that immediately cut and eat the purchased fruit is not worth it.

  1. To begin with, thoroughly soap the fruit and rinse it with cold water. So get rid of the harmful substances that are on the peel.
  2. Store the cut vegetable in the refrigerator.
  3. Eating with cold water, dairy or alcohol is not recommended. Otherwise, an upset stomach.

Melon is a source of magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamins and calcium. It helps to improve health, and if desired, to lose weight.

7 Ways to Choose a Sweet Melon

I will list seven nuances that should be studied before choosing a sweet melon.

  1. When choosing, be guided first by smell. In a ripe fruit, the smell is subtle and causes pleasant feelings. If the melon smells of grass, most likely it is unripe. If there is no aroma, switch to another instance.
  2. Tap lightly on the surface. A muffled sound will indicate that a ripe vegetable is in the hands.
  3. Press the fetus with your finger in the area of ​​the peduncle. If the peel bends, it is ripe.
  4. Do not ignore the tail. If it is thick and has managed to dry, feel free to buy this option.
  5. A ripe melon has a delicate peel, which is easy to remove with a sharp object. If a green skin appears underneath, everything is fine.
  6. Do not buy at stalls located near the highway. The fruits there are saturated with heavy metals and harmful substances.
  7. There should be no cracks or damage on the surface. Damaged fruits will delight with an "unpleasant surprise" in the form of viruses and bacteria.

With the help of the instructions, a sweet and tasty melon will appear on the table, which will enrich the body with useful substances and vitamins. In conclusion, I add a few words about the benefits of this gourd, which is quite large.

Melon contains many vitamins, useful substances that slow down aging, strengthen hair, invigorate the brain and fill the muscles with energy.

Do not forget that melon is a formidable weapon in the fight against thirst. It is not surprising that in countries with a dry climate, vegetables are grown in large quantities.

The useful properties do not end there. According to doctors, a sweet vegetable supports the immune system and increases the body's defense against germs, which often cause disease.

Until next time, dear readers!

Watch the video: How To Pick A Cantaloupe-Choosing A Ripe Melon (October 2024).

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