Orchids after transplantation: tips for caring and dealing with potential problems

Orchids are plants with beautiful exotic flowers that gardeners should transplant approximately once a year. But with this procedure, mistakes can be made and this will affect the health of beauties.

Also, in order for the plant to bloom and please the eye further, it is necessary to observe the peculiarities of caring for it after the transplant process, which we will learn about in this article.

We will tell you how to properly care for this beautiful flower, why there are problems and how to deal with them.

What happens to the plant?

Transplanting is a stress for the plant, so for some time after it, the flower may hurt. Also, orchids may stop the growth of rhizomes. therefore Experienced gardeners recommend an orchid transplant no more than 1 time per year.

What care actions should I take?

Important! Since orchids are quite capricious in care, after transplanting, they require even more self-care.
  1. The first 7-10 days, the flower should be placed in a shaded place, away from direct sunlight. The temperature regime of the room in which the orchid should not exceed 20 degrees.
  2. Water needs to be boiled and it is desirable to add micronutrients (potassium, nitrogen, etc.) to it. A flower pot is lowered into this warm solution for about half an hour. The foliage of the flower can also be sprayed with boiled water. After 20 days, you can again feed.
  3. The first watering can be done immediately if the plant is healthy, but it is better to wait 4-5 days after the previous procedure. The next time, watering is carried out no earlier than 14 days.

How to care?

Conditions of detention

The health of orchids is highly dependent on the conditions of detention. One of the main conditions is proper lighting. If the plant has enough sunlight and in moderation, then it will bloom regularly. The fact that the flower needs additional lighting will be indicated by pale leaves, which will turn yellow over time. To make orchids comfortable, several rules are required:

  1. You can not put the plant in direct sunlight. Light must be diffused.
  2. In summer, you can hang a matte film on the window, which will obscure the flower and prevent burns.
  3. Lack of light also harms. Therefore, daylight hours should last at least 12 hours and in winter it is necessary to provide the plant with artificial lighting.
Reference! Also, in the conditions of detention, the temperature regime is important. It usually depends on the type of orchid. But all of them are able to withstand the temperature of 18-25 degrees during the day, and 13-22 at night.


Orchid loves moderate watering, since it does not tolerate stagnation of moisture. But the mode of different species is different. The genus Dendrobium requires watering after complete drying, and Phalaenopsis prefers to be in moist soil. Also, during flowering, it is required to leave the plant moistened. But any species will tolerate drought normally.

In winter and after flowering, watering the plant is very rare. Water in the summer about 2-3 times a week. If there is not enough fluid for the flower, then wrinkles appear on the leaves. If on the contrary, an overabundance, then the leaves turn yellow, and the roots rot.

As for the water itself, it should be soft. It is better to use melt or settling water, you can also boil.

It is also important to properly water the plant. It is necessary to put it with a pot in a basin filled with warm water and hold there for 15 minutes, and then allow moisture to drain and put in place.

Further informational video about the first watering after transplanting:

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied approximately every 20 days. Do this in the phase of active growth. Fertilizers for other plants should not be used for orchids. You need to carefully read the instructions on the packaging so as not to make mistakes.

You also need to rinse the soil with running water once a week to prevent an excess of mineral salts, otherwise you can ruin the plant. If you change the soil once a year, then you can completely abandon the fertilizer.

Why problems may arise and which ones?

Owners of orchids can face a flower disease, which is a frequent and unpleasant problem after transplantation, and sometimes with the death of a plant.

The roots may begin to hurt first.. They rot or dry, and if treatment and correction of care are not started in time, then the infection and the fungus join. You can see that the leaves turn yellow, black or wet spots on the leaves may appear.

Also, if there is insufficient watering, due to fear of overflowing the flower, then drying out of leaves and roots appears, which is corrected by soaking the flower in water. This problem can occur with dry rot, due to which vascular wilting occurs, which leads to the death of the orchid.

Wilt plant

Reasons Leaves May Fade:

  • When the roots after transplantation are damaged mechanically.
  • If they rot due to improper care of the flower.
  • On the contrary, from drying out the roots of the plant.
  • Sluggishness due to fertilizer overdose is still possible.
  • The ground is too tightly compacted during the transplant, and the roots begin to suffocate.
  • In winter, the plant may begin to wilt due to heating from the battery or in the summer from direct sunlight.
  • Leaf sagging can also occur due to pests.

What to do about it:

  1. if sluggish leaves appeared after overheating, then remove the flower in a cool place, do not water and do not spray for a while;
  2. adjust the regime of flower care;
  3. when drying, it is necessary to restore the watering mode;
  4. in the presence of pests, you need to treat an orchid;
  5. when the roots are damaged, you need to remove the plant in a cool place for a couple of hours, and then put it in a basin with warm boiled water for an hour, let it drain and return to its original place. The plant should gradually recover over several days.Attention! In case of severe damage to the root system, when the plant withers, it is necessary to pull out the pot and trim the missing roots to a healthy tissue, disinfect the remaining roots with cinnamon or activated carbon powder and transplant into a smaller pot.

Leaves turn yellow

It must be remembered that each plant has periods when the leaves change color to yellow and dry, so the flower is updated and this is a natural process. It is necessary to examine the orchid. If the old leaves below turn yellow, then there is no reason for concern. You need to wait until the leaf dries and carefully tear it off.

But if yellowing occurs on young leaves, it can be assumed that the flower is sick. The most common cause is improper watering. Let us consider in more detail the problems of yellowing of leaves and how to get rid of them:

  • If the soil is transfused, then with increased moisture, rot can settle, which does not allow the plant to live and eat normally. In order to get rid of yellowing and disease, you need to treat the plant.
  • If the orchid, on the contrary, is overdried, then the leaves will begin to fade from a lack of moisture. To solve this problem, you need to start watering the flower in sufficient quantities and spray the leaves.
  • In the cold season, the problem of yellowing may occur due to freezing and draft. You just need to adjust the temperature of the room and put the pot in a more suitable place.
  • In the hot season, direct sunlight can fall on the foliage, which burns them. To combat this problem, you just need to remove the plant in a more suitable place.

Does not bloom

It often happens that the orchid does not want to bloom. The duration of flowering and the frequency depends on the type of flower. Some species bloom only when there is stress in the form of temperature differences and lack of watering. Therefore, the grower needs to know all the intricacies of caring for their pets. But if the plant does not bloom after 6-12 months, then it is worried early, because a young peduncle can form in 24 months.

If the plant does not bloom after transplantation, then the reasons for the lack of the appearance of new flowers may be errors during it. The transplant is carried out when the plant has flowered. Usually, yellowed and dry peduncle is removed, and the section is treated with an antiseptic.

Likewise, a shortage of light may be the cause, and this often happens in the winter, which can be corrected by creating backlighting with artificial lighting.

How to deal with this?

The plant can arrange stress. For laying kidneys at home, you need a temperature of 10-12 degreesas well as moderate watering. However, doing this abruptly is not worth it. In this case, it is necessary to make a difference in day and night temperatures. Such a care for about a month can entail the laying of kidneys. But if this does not help, then remove the plant from a state of rest by a gradual increase in temperature and frequent watering.

Useful video

Next video on the topic "Features of care after transplantation":


So that there are no problems with flowering, or with the health of the orchid after transplanting, it is necessary to observe a number of requirements during the process itself, and it is also important to properly care after it. And then your beauty will grow and delight with her beautiful flowering.

Watch the video: Orchid transplant shock after repotting - What is it & how to minimize it (October 2024).

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