Park rose, named after the poet - William Shakespeare. Photo, description, nuances of cultivation and reproduction

The diamond of any home garden is the purple beauty William Shakespeare, the best representative of roses. Catchy, beautiful, suitable for the climatic conditions of Russia, she can become a favorite of any grower. What is its difference from other roses, how to plant and care for it correctly - we will consider these and many other issues in our article. Here is a description of a classic rose called William (or William) Shakespeare and its varieties marked "2000", we will show a photo.

Brief definition

Rose of the William Shakespeare variety (it is also called William Sheakespeare) - This is an English rose variety, obtained by breeding a tea-hybrid rose with floribunda. The year 2000 was marked by the appearance of another variety - William Shakespeare 2000, which is more resistant to garden pests and diseases, and with a difference in color - red-purple. But its frost resistance is not as strong as that of the original variety.

Detailed description

Rosa William Shakespeare is a strong, beautiful, upright bush up to 120 cm tall. The foliage is dense, strong, dark green. Rose petals of a velvet-purple hue, a bud with a thick double. The diameter of the bud reaches 14-15 cm. The number of buds on one stalk is 3-5. Bush William Shakespeare 2000 is visually more fluffy.

The smell of the rose is classic warm, with a slight hint of violet aroma. The rose has a yellow center, which is not visible due to the abundance of petals.

History of occurrence

Rose William Shakespeare - classic heat-loving rose, bred by the Englishman D. Austin based on the characteristics of standard roses. The first copies were bred by him in 1987. Subsequently, he tried to improve the variety, since he was not satisfied with the susceptibility of the rose to powdery mildew and other diseases. In 2000, he perfected this variety by introducing William Shakespeare 2000 roses, which are more resistant to pests and diseases.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

It differs from other varieties of roses in the strength of the bush, resistance to rain, a noble shade of bud petals and increased frost resistance.

Subsorta and their photos

The classic William Shakespeare and William Shakespeare 2000 can be called sub-varieties of this type of rose.
In the photo below - a variety of William Shakespeare:

And this is a photo of the sub-collection of William Shakespeare 2000 (William Sheakespeare 2000):


The flowering period of roses is from the beginning of June to September, two waves. The bush begins to bloom in its third year from the moment the seedling is planted. Each bud has more than a hundred flowering petals. The flowering period of each newly appeared brush is 2 weeks. Shoots bloom very quickly, immediately filling the space with the scent of roses.

The rose blooms well with proper care, including:

  1. loosening the soil;
  2. regular watering of the bush;
  3. pruning and top dressing.

If pruned later than April, this will delay the flowering period.. Withered leaves and shoots are cut off in a timely manner, otherwise new shoots will not be able to form and bloom.

If diseases or plant damage by pests are detected, it is necessary to spray with special solutions, which we will discuss later.

In the autumn, after the flowering of this park rose, it is necessary to huddle the bushes and cover the plant for the winter.

Use in landscape design

The variety grows widely and densely, it is branched, so it is great for implementing various ideas in the framework of landscape design. Most the whole alley of these roses or the rose garden will look spectacular. William Shakespeare also mixes well with other garden plants, which makes it possible to create different compositions, for example, with:

  • phlox;
  • sage;
  • aconite.

If you mark a rose bush in the center, then on the sides and in the foreground you can plant:

  • bells;
  • primrose;
  • or geranium.

Looks great when grown in a container.

Step-by-step care instructions

Seat selection

A place worth choosing is bright, without dark areas and not in a draftbetter on a slight elevation.

What should be the soil?

The soil for this grade must be:

  • loose;
  • wet
  • loamy;
  • with indicators of acid-base reaction of 5.6-7.3 pH.

Dry and swampy soil is absolutely not suitable.

Planting seeds

With this method of planting, the seeds are sown in a container with a loose substrate. It is necessary to moisten the soil. Air temperature should be no more than 20 degrees. At 10 week young shoots will appear. When the soil in the garden area warms up to +10 degrees, the sprouts can be planted.

The depth of the holes is about 50 cm. The distance between the holes is at least a meter.

Attention: this method is not always preferable, since the rose genetically does not inherit good “parent” data.


This rose variety is frost resistant and is capable of withstanding low temperatures around -25 degrees.


Watering the bush is necessary no more than twice a week with warm, standing water. If drought and heat have come, the frequency of watering can be increased. Each bush should have 10 liters of water.

Top dressing

The main guarantee of good nutrition is regularity. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

  1. Fertilizing in the first year after planting can begin at the end of May, after the appearance of buds.
  2. In the second year, roses are fed after removing shelters for the winter, the second feeding with a mullein solution or droppings is carried out in early May. Litter is bred in a ratio of 1 to 20, and mullein - 1 to 10.
  3. During the flowering period, the rose must be fertilized once every 2-3 weeks with special mineral mixtures for roses or universal compositions for flowering garden plants.
  4. In early August, you need to water the bush with sodium monophosphate.

To improve the quality of the soil, you can add a peat layer of 8 cm.


Pruning should begin in March. Frozen, withered shoots should be removed. Strong and young branches should be pruned with a garden pruner by a third. Weak shoots are cut in half. Such events provide high-quality flowering bush. Subsequently, the bush is shaped and shoots removed as they wilt.

Trimming should be done with a well-ground secateurs - for a smooth cut. Often a blunt instrument is a source of infection in the plant.


The best time for a William Shakespeare transplant is in the spring, until new shoots are formed. But some gardeners prefer an autumn transplant, thereby helping to winter the roses and avoid snow pressure and cold temperatures.

It is better to transplant roses into loose large pots or buckets with holes made in them. When transplanting, do not allow bending of the roots.

Preparation for winter

Before the first frost, it is worth thinking about sheltering a bush. This is best done in the first week of November.

  1. a strong frame is installed above the plant;
  2. a white non-woven durable material is pulled on top;
  3. the edges of which are clamped with a fastening - brick or stone.

Since the bush of this type of rose is not too tall, it will be easy to do this. You can’t leave roses for the winter without shelter.

How to propagate - step by step instructions

It is preferable to propagate Shakespeare roses by cuttings, as this is the easiest way, always yielding results. The best period for this is autumn.

  1. It is easy to choose a stem for cuttings - if a needle is easily detached from it, then it is suitable. It should also have two shoots. Cut the stem oblique cut.
  2. Cuttings are treated with fungicides or a rooting agent.
  3. All leaves from the bottom of the stem are removed.
  4. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse, not more than 3 cm deep. A perlite or cleaned sand is suitable as a substrate.
  5. The rooting of the rose at high humidity and temperature +25. Cuttings must be sprayed.
  6. When the first leaves appear, it is worth starting to open the greenhouse.

Diseases and Pests

Although roses William Shakespeare and are resistant to pests and diseases, but still the plant can suddenly become ill. Preferably, preventive measures are taken before undesirable symptoms appear.

To prevent the appearance of black spotting, powdery mildew and rust, it is necessary:

  • In early spring, once every 2 weeks, treat the plant with Bordeaux liquid or a solution of copper sulfate.
  • It is also necessary to pollinate the plant and sprinkle the soil with wood ash.

What to do if appeared:

  • Powdery Mildew

    1. in this case, the affected shoots are cut and burned;
    2. after which the bush is treated with a 2% soap-copper emulsion or 30% solution of iron sulfate.
  • Black spotting. The affected areas are removed from the bush, after which the plant is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid or a 0.1% solution of foundationazole.
  • Gray rot. Fertilizer with manganese will help to fight.
  • Rust. Remove the affected areas of the bush, and then process the rose:
    1. with a copper-soap solution (300 grams of laundry soap are diluted in 10 liters of water, 20 grams of copper sulfate are poured, mixed and decanted);
    2. a decoction of nettle or wormwood;
    3. or 2% m solution of Bordeaux fluid.
  • Pests:
    1. aphid;
    2. caterpillars
    3. spider mite;
    4. pennies;
    5. rose shield.

    In this case, the treatment of the plant with insecticides will help. Affected areas of the plant are cut out.

Important: Do not feed roses to William Shakespeare with compounds containing an excess of nitrogen.

Proper regular care of the plant and preventive measures against diseases and pests - this is the key to good flowering Bush roses William Shakespeare. We hope that with the help of our recommendations, planting and caring for this plant will not seem difficult.

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