Descriptions of varieties of violets with the names of the breeders who raised them: Jus Adeline, Apple Orchard, Snow White and others. Photo

Violet is one of the most popular indoor plants.

Breeders were able to bring a large amount of this flower. Among the whole variety of species there are terry, semi-double varieties.

Shades of petals can be very different, so each grower has ample opportunity to create an interesting and original floral arrangement right at home.

The role of breeders in cultivating varieties

And although it may seem to many that breeding work is complex, an ordinary person who has minimal knowledge in the field of biology can do it.

Thanks to breeders, it became possible to get numerous varieties that differ in color, type of flowers, leaves. Besides, breeders get varieties that are grown under certain conditions. Thus, each grower can choose the best option for themselves, taking into account experience and personal preferences.

Description of species by breeders with photos

Check out the photo description of the varieties: Apple Orchard, King Peas, The Rustle of the Waves and Ness Orange Pekoe

D.Ness - Ness Orange Pekoe

Violets are large, double or semi-double. Their color is coral. During flowering, an effective bouquet is created against a background of a flat exhibition of variegated rosettes. The shape of the violet flower is pronounced. On one peduncle, 3-5 flowers are formed. taking into account the conditions of detention, the flowers can be bright coral or coral fawn.

The peculiarity of the variety is that on the same outlet, the brightness of flowering can be different. It is characterized by long and frequent flowering. The socket is self-forming. Variegation pink-cream, very bright on young flowers. At elevated temperatures, variegation may disappear.

But it’s worth placing the outlet in a cooler place, as brightly colored colorful leaves form again from the center of the outlet. The flower responds positively to natural light, although it also grows and blooms well under artificial light. Propagated by cuttings, gives a lot of children.

A. Kuznetsov - SK-Apple Garden

Semi-double white flowers. Its foliage is light green, the edges are pointed. The socket is beautiful, 9-14 cm. The flowers are white and semi-double. Only along the edges of the petals is there a pink color. The size of the flowers is 2.5-3 cm. During flowering, a lush bouquet is formed on the peduncles. Peduncles short, strong and stable.

White-pink hat almost completely closes the outlet. Petals are characterized by increased density. The duration of flowering is 1.5-2 months. Instead of old faded flowers, new ones come. To prolong flowering, you must install the pot in a cool room. If the temperature indicators are exceeded, then the tips of the upper petals become crimson.

The variety multiplies rapidly and blooms early. Keep on wick irrigation, avoid overfeeding. If the leaves of the rosette become dark, then the petals will begin to float with a raspberry border.

Important! It is quite difficult to determine the moment for a transplant. It is necessary at the end of June to interrupt flowering and give the plant a rest. The flower is easy to root.

Tatyana Valkova

BAT Snow White

Large flowers that look like stars. The main color is pink, and along the corrugated edge there is a bright crimson edging. The outlet is neat, consists of green leaves. They are long with wavy edges. Flowering lasts 3 months. At this time, the flowers are lush and bright.

In terms of care, the plant is picky, important for him is regular watering and natural light.

King peas

Leaves are large, even, with cream edging. The outlet is neat, the leaves are slightly tilted down. The petals are dark blue, and bright raspberry peas are scattered on their surface. The petals have a beautiful white and slightly wavy border. The size of the flowers is 6-7 cm.

Flowering is plentiful and long. The variety prefers warmth. If you keep it in the cold, then the flowers will not be so bright.

G. Lazarenko - The rustle of waves

The flowers are large and simple. They are semi-double type, light blue. The edges of the petals are wavy, they have a white corrugated edging. Leaves of bright green color with wavy edges. They are large, corrugated and rigid, while quite fragile.

You need to be extremely careful with them, since one wrong move and the leaves quickly break off. Petioles of leaves long, rosette slightly friable. Flowering begins in the first year after planting. Peduncles are long, but they can not withstand the severity of flowers. On peduncles 4-6 buds are formed.

In terms of cultivation, the variety is not moody. Waterlogging adversely affects plant development. The flower does not require bright lighting, it is not inclined to lift leaves up.

K. Stork


Simple or semi-double red pansy with a white furrowed edge. The flower consists of 5 petals. The color is dark pink, and the edges of the petals are wavy and white. The leaves are wavy at the edges. The wrong side of the leaves is red, and the outside is dark green, covered with a light fluff.

Quilting bee

This variety allows you to grow terry corrugated white flowers. There is a slight lavender shadow on the petals. The size of the flower is 3 cm. The leaves are quilted, bright green in color and slightly wavy. The socket is loose, the leaves are directed in different directions. White-lilac flowers, lush and voluminous.

Their size is 3 cm. Petals are tender with a carved edge. Each bloom for a grower is a surprise. The fact is that there are two lines: one is light and the other is darker. The main color is lilac, but it can be of varying degrees of saturation.

Flowering is like a foamy lace bouquet. Opening buds is slow. In terms of cultivation, the variety is undemanding. It does not grow very fast, but needs regular and plentiful watering.

B. Kostsevyat - Valentina Tereshkova

This plant forms a rosette of green leaves. Its size is 16 cm, and the leaves are 4 cm. The flowers are small, the size is 5 cm. The petals are white-blue in color, the edges are wavy. Flowering is magnificent and long. With age, the size of the outlet increases, and flowering becomes lush and beautiful.

D. Denisenko

DN-Young Frenchwoman

Large bright violet pansies with a wide light and highly corrugated border. Variegated outlet. The leaves are dark green, wavy along the edge. On one peduncle, 4-5 flowers are formed. Lush flowering, long.

At this time, peduncles do not withstand the severity of the buds and bend slightly. Keep the flower in a cool place in daylight and subject to regular watering.

DN-Roger Convalia

The flower looks like a bell. The main shade of the petals is pure pink, and there is a purple border around the edges. Corrugated and dense petals. The leaves are dark green.

They are wide and have a pointed end. It grows well in natural light and needs regular watering. Flowering is plentiful and frequent.

I. Nizkous - Wedding Bells

The leaves are small but wide. They are dark green in color, with pronounced veins. The flowers are small in size - 3 cm. The main color is soft pink, and there is a blurry bright pink color at the edges. The petals are delicate and corrugated at the edges.

N. Kozak - Feeling of a Holiday

The flowers are bright lilac. They are magnificent, and their edges are corrugated. Features of the variety in an interesting color of leaves. Their main color is dark green, and light blurry spots are scattered on it. The variety is distinguished by strong peduncles.

Flowering is long and lush. When all the buds open, a colorful bouquet is formed against the background of light green leaves. In terms of care, the plant is not demanding:

  • daylight;
  • regular watering;
  • maintaining the temperature regime.

O. Aksenkina - Deo Marzipan

The flowers are beige and pink. In shape, they resemble rosettes of marzipan. The leaves are dark green, pointed at the tip. They bend over the pot, look in different directions. The plant feels great under the lamp, on the windowsill and in the shade. The size of the flowers is 3-4 cm. There are 4-5 of them on the peduncle.

Flowering is lush and plentiful. The flowers last a long time. Since the peduncles are weak, the flowers fall on the foliage.

O. Kosobokova - Watch

This variety is characterized by large double and semi-double flowers. They are white with cherry highlights and a thin wavy green border around the edges. Their size is 3-4 cm. The outlet is smooth and medium green. The leaves are wavy, wide. Flowering lasts a long time, and you can see it after transplantation in 5-7 months.

R. Sorano

Sassi Sister

The leaves are light green, wavy at the edges. The diameter of the adult outlet is 10-17 cm. The flower is thick-terry, dark pink. There is fringe at the edges. The buds are presented in bronze color. On one peduncle, up to 20 flowers are formed.

This variety of violets has 3 varieties:

  1. Dark pink flowers.
  2. White with a slight pink.
  3. Pale pink with a wide white border and serrated edges of the petals.

Flowering is plentiful, long. An adult rosette on peduncles forms 5-7 flowers. All peduncles are directed in different directions.

Attention! If the room has a fever, then the inner petals begin to darken.

After 9-12 months after planting, the plant blooms. It grows well on top and wick irrigation.

Lady Lady

The foliage is medium green, quilted and serrated. The rosette of the flower is large, easily formed, but the petioles are prone to elongation. Pink flowers, spiky. They have lace edges and a double edging: a corrugated thin white edge and a lilac frame. In the first flowering, non-double flowers.

The size of the flower is 5-6 cm. The duration of flowering is 2 months. And although the peduncles are long, they do not withstand the severity of the flowers and wilt. Grow violet in natural light. If it is strong, then burned spots form on the leaves.

Svetlana Jura (Pikalenko) - Jus Adeline

Large-sized flowers, semi-double. The main color of the petals is pink, and along the corrugated edges is a lilac border. Simple quilted leaves, small size. Their color is interesting - it is dark green near the veins, and from them it turns into a light shade.

Jan Zubo

The river Severka

Leaves are rounded, golden crown crown variegated. But with the beginning of flowering, it disappears. Flowering is not too plentiful, but at the same time constant. The size of flowers is 3-4 cm. Peduncles are long and thin. With the onset of the first flowering, they decay to the sides. Bunches are formed on one peduncle, which form 3-6 flowers.

Reference. In the evening, the flowers close, and in the morning open!

The variety is prolific, blooms well on the rack 7 months after planting. The socket is self-forming. Prefers the plant to natural light. Watering should be moderate. And here is pSubtle temperature changes are not permitted.


Leaves are two-tone: dark green and white-cream. They have a heart shape, glossy surface and wavy edges. Terry flowers and light pink. Fine edging, pencil. The flowers are fluffy and delicate, but small in size. During flowering, a lush bouquet is formed.

Peduncles are strong, many buds are formed on them at once. The variety requires natural light. Otherwise, long petioles grow. The plant negatively reacts to moisture and is sensitive to overflows.

Ueki Masahiro - Yukako

The flowers are wavy blue in shape resembling stars. A bright green stripe runs across each petal. The size of the flowers is 2-3 cm. As the color grows, the color intensity decreases.

Attention! If the leaves begin to darken, then the flower will soon bloom in purple.

Quilted foliage, medium green and wavy. The leaves are large and curl down. Flowering is frequent and plentiful. Flowers bloom even in the heat. They feel great and do not fade.

The variety requires less light than the other varieties of violets. Prevent drying of soil and direct sunlight. Violet is a herbaceous plant that is so popular among gardeners.


Due to such a wide variety of varieties, it is quite possible to create an original floral arrangement on your balcony. With proper care, the flower will bloom for a long time and magnificent, do not hurt and delight with its beauty.

Watch the video: A look inside a Darsonval style modern Violet Wand Ray unit. (October 2024).

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