Popular varieties of amaryllis and the cheapest with photos and descriptions

Amaryllis is a unique decorative culture that is grown at home. A flowering plant impresses with its beauty and pleasant aroma. On high arrows there are large spectacular flowers, presented in red, pink and other shades, photos of which can be seen in the article.

Amaryllis varieties are diverse, so you can create a mini-greenhouse at home. Consider today the most popular of them. You can also watch a useful video on this topic.

How many varieties are there?

Amaryllis is the only species in the genus Amaryllis, in total there are about 90 subspecies.

Popular views with titles and photos


This is a plant that gives 1-2 flower arrows, on each of which 5-6 flowers are bell-shaped. This variety is photophilous, so you need to install it on the windowsill with high-quality lighting. The diameter of the flowers is 20 cm, the color is light pink, the leaves are green. In winter, the flower begins to rest, so keep it at a temperature of 10-16 degrees. After 2-3 months, a flower-bearing arrow forms in the bulb.


This is a bulbous culture, in which the aerial part has a rounded shape. Consist of numerous thin scales. The diameter of the bulb is 12 cm and the diameter of the flower is 5-8 cm. Petals 6 pieces, all of them are lanceolate and pointed to the outer edge. Their color is white.


The diameter of the flower is 15-20 cm, and the height of the plant is 45-60 cm. The color of the petals is red, and the leaves are dark green. The plant prefers to grow in moderately moist soil. Flowering culture falls on the period August-October. If amaryllis is provided with full coverage, then its growth is more active. It is rare to water the plant during dormancy, and during the growing season it is moderate. For top dressing, use mineral formulations every 2 weeks.

Double dream

This is a large-flowered plant, which is distinguished by its chic flowering. Its leaves are linear-linguistic. Terry flowers, characterized by excellent aroma. They are on tall and thickened flower arrows. When there is a complete opening of the flowers, the petals are effectively bent, as a result of which their shape changes.

One bulb can produce 4-6 flowers; their color is saturated pink with mesh longitudinal venation. The shape of the bud is pion-shaped, like a magnificent ball, diameter 16-19 cm. The height of the peduncle is 40-60 cm.


This is a bulbous perennial culture, which is distinguished by effective flowers. Their diameter is 20 cm, and the color is quite interesting: the petals are red, and the center is white. The petals of Barbados are complemented by stripes and strokes of dark red color, which in the center merge into a solid color.

The petals are wide, their shape is diamond-shaped, and the tips are slightly pointed. Leaves are glossy, strap-like and dark green. Flowering lasts 6-8 weeks after planting. This variety can be grown not only indoors, but also in the open ground.

Apple blossom

The flowers of this variety are creamy white with pink blush. Saturation of pink is determined taking into account the brightness of the lighting in the room. Petals are wide, have corrugated edges, their shape is oblong-oval. All flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-3 flowers. Diameter 18 cm, peduncle long and tubular. Leaves are glossy, strap-like and dark green. The height of the culture is 50 cm. Amaryllis flowering lasts for 6-10 weeks after planting.


This plant grows to a mark of 50 cm. The flower itself is large, orange in color. The bulb consists of a short and thickened stem, as well as closed closed scales. The leaves are linear, their length is 50-70 cm. The size of the flowers is 15-25 cm, they are funnel-shaped or tubular. Their color can be bright red, dark cherry, pink, orange and white.

The flower prefers to grow indoors with bright diffused light. In winter, keep the bulb at a temperature of 16 degrees. A transplant should be performed every 3-4 years during the dormant period of the flower. Bulbs can be planted in the garden in the spring, as the plant is suitable for cultivation in the open ground.

Mont Blanc

This is a dazzling decorative culture, which is distinguished by white fragrant flowers. About 2-6 funnel-shaped flowers are formed on one peduncle. Their diameter is 8 cm. Flowering plants occur in late summer and early fall. The buds are very fragrant, and their smell resembles expensive perfumes.

It is necessary to grow this variety of amaryllis in spacious pots. It is better to mix the prepared soil with sand and prepare high-quality drainage. Bulbs in winter should be kept at a temperature of 17-19 degrees, water them rarely - 1-2 times a month. As soon as the peduncle is formed, transfer the pot to a room with good lighting.


This plant allows you to grow white flowers with a shade of pink. They smell incredibly delicious, and their size is 15-25 cm. The flowers are tubular or funnel-shaped. The height of the plant reaches 50 cm, characterized by the presence of a narrow stem.

The culture is not picky in nursing; when planting, the bulb should be buried 2/3 in carefully drained soil. In the summer, good lighting and moderate watering are necessary, and in winter the pots should be installed in a darkened place, and then stop humidification. The plant is used as a pot culture and for making bouquets.


This variety looks luxurious and gentle, belongs to the Simple group. Flowering lasts for 1-2 months. Bulbs of this variety germinate almost immediately if they are provided with moderate watering and deepened by no more than 10 cm.

Attention: An umbrella of one or more flowers forms on a long stem. Each bulb has 1-2 long arrows with 4-6 large flowers, the diameter of which is 20 cm.

Christmas Gift

This plant belongs to indoor plants. Amaralis bulbs consist of a short thickened stem and closed closed scales. The leaves of the plant are linear, their length is 50-70 cm. The height of the culture is 60 cm. Its flowering is funnel-shaped or tubular, the color of the petals is white. The diameter of the flower is 20-25 cm.

Landing events from November to February. Plant transplantation is carried out every 3-4 years, during the dormant period. Amaryllis prefers to grow in well-drained soil. Propagated in two ways: using seeds and daughter bulbs.


This plant belongs to the group of large-flowered, has a very delicate aroma. The bulbs of this crop sprout quickly after planting. As soon as the arrow reaches 7-8 cm, watering must be stopped. On a long stem a peduncle is formed, consisting of 1-3 inflorescences. Each bulb gives 1-2 long flower arrows with 4-6 large flowers, the diameter of which is 20 cm.

Red Peacock

This is a perennial bulbous culture, the height of which reaches 35-80 cm. The leaves are linear, their length is 50-70 cm. The diameter of the flower is 15-20 cm, their color is bright red.

The cheapest

From the budget varieties of amaryllis (50-200 rubles per plant), the following varieties can be distinguished:


This plant is distinguished by double flowers and their incredible aroma. Amaryllis flowering lasts 4-5 months, large buds.

Apple blossom

This plant produces a fresh aroma, belongs to the group of large-flowered. Flowering lasts for 3-4 months, the color of the petals is white with a pink undertone.


This variety has a stable stem and delicate buds. Avanti flowering lasts 3-4 months.


This plant belongs to the group of simple, blooms for 4-5 months. The flowers are pale pink, their diameter is 20 cm.


This is a luxurious and delicate variety belonging to the group of simple. Its flowering lasts 9 months.


Amaryllis - an amazing decorative culture, which impresses not only with the beauty of its flowers, but also with the subtlest aroma. These are not all plant varieties, but they are most often used by flower growers. And some species can be called unique, as they are suitable for growing in open ground and indoors.

Watch the video: Beautiful Amaryllis flower in the world (October 2024).

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