Heartburn - Causes and Consequences

An unpleasant sensation, accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, is familiar to many. This is heartburn. In the article, we will talk about this unpleasant phenomenon, determine the causes and consequences, consider the methods of struggle and pay attention to the complications that appear with inaction.

What is heartburn?

According to doctors, heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest, bringing great discomfort. In this case, the level of discomfort depends on the degree of manifestation.

The appearance of heartburn is promoted by increased acidity, so these sensations are not a separate disease, but a harbinger of other diseases of the digestive system.

The algorithm for the appearance of heartburn to pain is simple. Gastric juice, for certain reasons, rises into the esophagus. The acidic components that make up its composition have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, resulting in a burning sensation.

Heartburn is manifested:

  • Sour burp.
  • Acid and bitterness in the mouth.
  • Fatigue and a sharp decrease in appetite.

In some cases, heartburn is accompanied by stool with an admixture of blood, pain in the chest and back, severe nausea, increased sweating and vomiting. If you find yourself in a similar situation, immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor. You can’t delay.

Causes of Heartburn

Unhealthy diet paired with an unhealthy lifestyle is the most common cause of heartburn. The abnormal use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, hot spices, coffee and sweet soda leads to a relaxation of the gastric valve and an increase in acidity. This is why an unpleasant sensation usually appears after eating. What else provokes heartburn?

  1. The abnormal use of tomatoes, fresh bread, fried foods, pickles and citrus fruits.
  2. Overeating.
  3. Taking medications that enhance the secretion of acid. Among them are Aspirin and ibuprofen.
  4. Obesity, pregnancy, hard physical work, wearing tight clothes and tight belts.
  5. Sleep after eating.
  6. Anxiety, stress.

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The causes of heartburn are varied. This means that a discomfort in the chest can occur at any time, and no one is safe from this. Below we will consider the main ways to solve the problem, but first we will dwell on the complications arising from inaction.

The consequences of heartburn

Once in the esophagus, the gastric juice burns its walls. If the phenomenon is one-time in nature, there is no reason for concern.

When the mucous membrane is regularly exposed to a chemical burn, ulcerative and erosive lesions appear in the esophagus. The result is severe bleeding or rupture of the wall, which is dangerous to human life.

These expressions are scarred over time, which contributes to the narrowing of the esophagus. As a result, it is more difficult for a person to swallow dense food, which adversely affects the quality of life. Solving the problem comes down to surgical treatment. It is not recommended to ignore this, because chronic erosion and ulcers significantly increase the likelihood of developing poor quality tumors in the esophagus.

What to do if tormented heartburn?

Heartburn is included in the category of non-specific symptoms, so the solution to the problem involves the treatment of the underlying disease. The frequent occurrence of an unpleasant sensation not only affects the quality of life, but also poses a threat to health.

Regular relapses are a reason to visit the therapist and gastroenterologist. Often, heartburn acts as a messenger of cancer, and timely access to a doctor is the key to maintaining health and life.

Doctors recommend abandoning self-treatment, especially if you do not understand medicine at all. Even a minor mistake is fraught with the appearance of negative consequences. If there is no way to seek help, listen to the general recommendations to get rid of heartburn at home.

  • If heartburn often causes discomfort, review your diet. Without fail, refuse the use of spicy, fried and salty dishes, for a while forget about seasonings and spices. Divide the daily meal into 5-6 small portions.
  • Before breakfast, eat a few tablespoons of oatmeal. It falls into the category of products with enveloping properties that help prevent heartburn.
  • Stick to your drinking regimen. The daily norm for an adult is at least two liters of water.
  • With frequent heartburn, it is recommended to give up cigarettes and alcohol. If the power of these bad habits is absolute, try to reduce the frequency of use and dose.

With heartburn, low-alcohol drinks with gas are a danger to the body. "Energy" is even more dangerous due to the presence of caffeine. A mixture of this substance with alcohol is fatal to the stomach. According to statistics, there are cases when young people die due to the irregular consumption of such drinks. And the cause of death is perforation of the gastric walls.

Drug treatment

To solve this problem, pharmacists have created several effective and safe health medications. The most popular are Gastal, Gaviscon and Rennie, which normalize the acidity of the stomach. The pharmacy sells Almagel, which provides an enveloping effect that gives the mucous membranes additional protection.

Before using the listed drugs, carefully read the instructions and strictly observe the indicated dosages. And remember, some drugs have side effects in the form of diarrhea or constipation, while other drugs help to remove calcium from the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the fight against heartburn, there was also an application for folk remedies that cope with the problem no worse than purchased medicines. The most popular of these is soda. To quickly improve the condition, a teaspoon of the powder is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk. But for a complete solution, this is not enough, because soda does not cure, does not normalize the production of acid and does not contribute to the healing of the mucous membrane. The use of herbs in this case is considered more appropriate.

  1. Pharmacy chamomile. The composition of the plant includes essential oils and antioxidants, which quickly eliminate heartburn, relieve swelling, normalize acid-forming function and start the process of restoration of epithelial cells. In pharmacies, medicinal chamomile is sold in bags. For one meal, pour the bag with boiling water, cool and drink in small sips an hour before the meal.
  2. Flax seeds. Folk remedy provides an excellent enveloping effect and helps the healing of the mucous membrane. In the evening, a tablespoon of flax seeds is poured with boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the mucous liquid is filtered, squeezed and consumed throughout the day by a tablespoon for 2-4 weeks.
  3. Mint leaves. A tablespoon of dry leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered and consumed in the morning and evening.
  4. Potato juice. Some traditional healers advise you to deal with heartburn potato juice. Two medium potatoes, after peeling and washing, are passed through a fine grater. Squeeze juice from the resulting mass, pour it into a glass, add water and drink it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. The second portion is taken before dinner.
  5. Aloe juice. The tool is ideal for quick neutralization of acid. A leaf is torn from the plant, a teaspoon of juice is squeezed out, diluted in a glass of water and drunk.
  6. Eggshell. Dry eggshells are passed through a coffee grinder. With heartburn, half a teaspoon of the powder is diluted with water and slowly drunk. Remember that the product is not suitable for frequent use over a long period, otherwise an increase in the level of free calcium in the blood cannot be avoided, and this is not good.
  7. Herbal infusion. In the fight against heartburn, a decoction prepared on the basis of chamomile, hypericum and plantain leaves helps well. For a tablespoon of herbs, fall asleep in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, the liquid is filtered and drunk for a month three times a day.

The listed folk remedies have repeatedly proven effectiveness and safety.

However, any home treatment should be accompanied by a visit to the doctor!

In each case, the history of the appearance of heartburn has its roots. What benefits one may harm the other.

Heartburn Prevention

If heartburn does not torment and encounter the unpleasant sensations that accompany it, there is no desire, listen to the following recommendations.

  • Exclude clothes squeezing the stomach from the wardrobe;
  • Give up the habit of lying after eating;
  • Minimize the consumption of fatty and hot foods;
  • Refrain from spices and alcohol;
  • Do not time with the treatment of diseases that contribute to the appearance of heartburn.

I think I managed to fully reveal the theme of the fight against heartburn, which began in a previous article. I hope that thanks to these recommendations you will get rid of discomfort and make sure that they no longer appear. Just do not forget about visiting a doctor. Do not be ill!

Watch the video: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease GERD. FAQ with Dr. Gina Adrales (October 2024).

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