Evergreen Rhododendron Helliki: Interesting and Important Information About This Shrub

Super frost-resistant hybrids of rhododendrons were developed on the basis of the University of Helsinki. One of them is the Helliki rhododendron, which has taken root perfectly in the gardens of the Moscow Region, the Urals and even some parts of Siberia.

These plants have a special decorative appeal. This is a compact variety with pink-red flowers, collected in chic brushes that lighten as they bloom. This variety is characterized by abundant and effective pubescence of buds and young shoots.

Brief definition

Rhododendron Helliki - the variety belongs to the hybrid evergreen rhododendrons of the Finnish selection from a large heather family. The homeland is considered the south of Finland.

Detailed description

Helliki's rhododendron grows into a compact dense bush. The height of the bush is average, up to 1 meter, the width of the dense crown extends to 1 - 1.2 m. It grows slowly.

Leaves are dense, glossy, dark green. From the inside, the leaves are covered with thick felt fluffy hairs.

Buds and young stems, also pubescent in structure. The flowers are bright pink with a raspberry tint, with a bright orange - red pattern. - staining on the central lobe. The flowers are funnel-shaped, medium size - 5 - 6 cm in length, slightly wavy at the edges, gather in lush inflorescences up to 12 flowers each. The root is flat, superficial.

History of occurrence

Helliki's rhododendron is the most colorful hybrid variety from the Finnish selection. The maternal variety for this flower is the Smirnov rhododendron. In total, 9 main varieties of this breeding program are classified. The variety is named after the author of this unique hybrid, breeder Maryatta Yuzukainen.

What is its difference from other species?

Helliki's rhododendron is distinguished by a special coating - a generous spread of buds, young shoots. Finnish hybrids are particularly resistant to cold winters. This variety can withstand up to - 34 - 36 ° C frost.



Short-fruited hybrid variety of the Finnish series is very frost-resistant. The bush is erect, low, up to 1 m in height. Branched. The flowers are bright red, bell-shaped. Buds and buds also have a red tint. The leaves are medium in size, up to 6 cm long, dense, glossy, dark green.

Helsinki University

The height of an adult bush reaches 1.5 - 1.7 meters. The diameter of the spherical crown is 1 - 1.5 m. The bush is dense, compact, branched.

The leaves of the plant are large, shiny, oblong, grow up to 10 - 15 cm in length and 5.5 - 6 cm in width. Flowers up to 7-8 cm in diameter, soft pink, orange flower core, sprinkled with dark burgundy small spots.

Petals are wavy at the edges. Stamens are light pink, curly. Inflorescences are formed from 12 to 15 flowers.

More information about the Helsinki University Rhododendron can be found here.


Evergreen shrub, branched, spherical crown. The bush is dense, compact in shape. It blooms from mid-June, flowering is short - 2 to 3 weeks. The leaves are dense, glossy, dark green, 13 - 15 cm in length. The kidneys are red. The flowers are saturated - pink in color, wavy along the edges, up to 5 - 6 cm in length, petals with red - orange dots. Inflorescences are dense, up to 15 - 18 flowers in each. The variety is very hardy.

Read more about the Hague Rhododendron here.


When and how does it happen?

It blooms from mid-June. Hellika's rhododendron bloom is magnificent, dense, short - lasts only 2 to 3 weeks.

Conditions of detention

During the laying and ripening of buds, the air temperature should be reduced - not higher than 15 ° C, air humidity - 60 - 70%.

After flowering, it is necessary to remove faded flowers for a good bookmark of future buds. During flowering, the temperature may be above normal, but spraying and good wetting of the substrate are required. You can not replant the bushes during flowering and 2 weeks after it.

What to do if it does not bloom?

Badlands can delay the flowering of Helliki's rhododendron - requires acidification and top dressing. Preventive treatment of the bush against diseases and pests is also necessary. For full flowering, sanitary pruning is required, withered leaves and flowers should be collected.

Use in landscape design

Dense bushes of Helliki's rhododendron, with shiny dark green foliage all year beautifully decorate alleys of gardens and parks, look harmoniously in compositions with contrasting colors of yellow and orange rhododendrons. Look good on mixed flower beds - mixborders in oriental style.

Helliki's rhododendron is planted next to conifers - juniper bushes, pines - they provide diffused lighting for exotics, protect bushes from burns of foliage.


Seat selection

Helliki's rhododendron is best planted in the northwestern part of the garden, the variety is very sensitive to the bright sun, leaves may burn. The flower is best placed in a semi-shady, calm place or in the shade of deciduous and coniferous trees.

What should be the soil?

The soil for Helliki's rhododendron should be sufficiently moist, loose, acidic. The root is superficial, not deep, loosening is not desirable. Harvesting weeds is best done manually. Soil composition:

  • Coniferous litter.
  • Sheet earth.
  • Peat.

The ratio is 1: 3: 2. Drainage and mulching is mandatory.

Before planting, add 50-60 g of mineral fertilizer to the entire planting hole for effective rooting.


Helliki's rhododendron is planted in spring or fall. Landing stages:

  1. Dig a hole with a depth of 50 cm and a width of at least 60 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the hole, it is important to place a layer of drainage of sand and pebbles 10-15 cm thick.
  3. Planting bushes are located at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from each other.
  4. The substrate is poured into the hole, slightly tamping it.
  5. They do not deepen the root very much - the substrate is poured at the level of the root neck.
  6. Abundantly water the seedling.
  7. Around the bush, sprinkle mulch 5-6 cm thick.

The composition of the mulch is most suitable for rhododendron - pieces of pine bark, pine needles and peat.


The most optimal temperature at the time of bud ripening is -12 - 15 ° C. Helliki's rhododendron belongs to varieties characterized by winter hardiness and can withstand winter temperatures up to - 35 ° C


In summer, abundant watering is required, excessive drying of the soil is unacceptable. To maintain the tone of the leaves, good humidity, spraying in the heat is required. In winter, watering is carried out only in dry weather, if necessary.

It is recommended to water with clean, rain or settled, acidified water. Water can be acidified with a weak solution of sphagnum peat - after soaking a small amount for a day in a container with water.

It is necessary to avoid stagnation of water - the flower does not tolerate waterlogging just like drought.

Top dressing

Immediately after disembarkation, Helliki's rhododendron requires top dressing. Top dressing is needed for both young plants and adult flowering bushes.

Fertilize during flowering with potassium sulfate, calcium or ammonium in small quantities.

Young seedlings are fertilized with weak fertilizer solutionsdoses should be reduced. Immediately after wintering and after flowering, you need to feed the weakened bushes with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In the middle of summer, feeding is reduced, doses are reduced by half. Adult bushes are fed with compost or humus mixed with peat 1: 1, the mixture is spread around the bush.


Helliki's rhododendron is pruned to rejuvenate the bush, clean from damaged branches. To form a beautifully growing crown, strong tops are cut off from strong shoots. After 20-30 days, new buds will begin to break through and germinate updated shoots.

Cut points should be treated with a garden varnish for disinfection. Pruning should be done in early spring, before the sap flow begins.


Helliki's rhododendron transplant is usually performed in the spring.

This variety is tolerant enough to transplant, quickly adapts. Transplant substrate: a mixture of acid peat, sand and sawdust in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

Watch a video on how to properly transplant rhododendron:

How to prepare for winter?

This variety does not require shelter for the winter. It is important to lay a good layer of mulch, water abundantly before frost to avoid winter drying of the substrate. In the spring from the first burning rays of Hellika's rhododendron, it is necessary to obscure.


In home floriculture for rhododendron, Helliki mainly use a simple method - propagation by cuttings:

  • 6 - 8 cm long woody shoots are cut into the floor.
  • They are placed in a sand - peat substrate for rooting.
  • Cover with a film or glass, regularly airing the greenhouse.
  • Rooting occurs within 3 months.
  • Planted in open ground next spring, seedlings are cleaned in a cool room for wintering.

Watch a video about the types of propagation of rhododendron:

Diseases and Pests

This variety is resistant to pests and diseases. But it is necessary to treat the bush with fungicides 2 times a year for preventive purposes.

  1. Most often, snails or slugs attack the Helliki rhododendron bush. They need to be collected and destroyed manually.
  2. Spider mites, rhododendron bugs and flies, scabs will help get rid of the treatment of stems and branches with fungicides - karbofos or tiram.
  3. To get rid of weevil, you need a solution of diazonin.

In order for the treatment to be more effective, the substrate of the trunk circle should also be treated.

Prevention of various problems

To avoid yellowness of the leaves, It is important to regularly feed Helliki's rhododendron with an iron chelate. To prevent the spread of rot of stems, infected shoots are urgently cut off. If you violate the rules of watering, a fungus may appear - rust, chlorosis and other leaf infections.

For prevention in early spring, be sure to spray all the bushes with a solution of Bordeaux fluid. Among flower growers, Helliki's rhododendron is very popular and in demand because of its unpretentiousness, ease of care and spectacular flowering.

Watch the video: Understanding Cocktail Shrubs (October 2024).

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