Garden Design: The Most Important Rules for Garden Design

The garden is a place for relaxing in the fresh air and meetings. A community area can carry many different functions, so it is important that its design takes into account various aspects. The design of the garden is carried out with the idea that it will serve in excellent condition for many years, without requiring too much work every day.

Landscaping of the garden: dividing the space into zones

All household members must participate in the design phase of the garden plot. The bottom line is that everyone expresses their expectations regarding the appearance of the garden and its functions. In the end, this area has many functions, and in the case of conflicting opinions, it is necessary to find a middle ground, satisfying the wishes of children and adults.

Garden Rest Area

Many people especially value the function of relaxing in the garden. Spending time in the lap of nature near your home will be the perfect place to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. It is assumed that such a green oasis will calm, provide full contact with nature and at the same time protect neighbors, as well as passers-by, from prying eyes. It seems that a relaxation area is necessary in every garden, but the question remains how large should it be? There is also the issue of a venue for family gatherings and receptions, which should also be included in the leisure area. There may even be two such parts:

  • on the terrace;
  • at the back of the garden.

Activity Area: Garden Playground

A family with children should consider the needs of children and think about creating a place for their physical activity. Currently, there are even ready-made sets containing a swing, sandbox and slide. All you have to do is arrange the right landscape for installing such a kit. Older children may wish for a small football field, and teenagers will be pleased with the basketball board. Younger children will definitely enjoy the garden house.

Executive Garden

Some people, first of all, want to emphasize the representative function of the garden. For them, this place should express prestige and emphasize the good taste of the owners. This effect can be achieved by paying special attention to the location of the front of the infield. Here you will find the most exclusive plant samples and well-groomed paths, as well as some chic elements of small architecture. However, wealth should not be exaggerated so as not to fall into kitsch. In addition, some plants are effective, but extremely capricious in care.

Effective area

The addiction to the organization of a garden on a personal plot is quite common. Many private homeowners love to grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It requires a lot of work and effort, but the result always brings joy. How nice it is to eat fruits directly from a tree or garden, and in addition, you can grow plants without using chemicals.

DIY garden design: plant selection

It should be remembered that it is not always possible to realize all intentions regarding garden flora. Plants have special requirements for the effects of soil or the sun, and not everything that we like will work in your country house. Trees and bushes, perennials should be selected carefully, as the final result and the appearance of the garden should please you in not only a year, but also in twenty years.

Lawn in the garden

Good sunshine is required not only for most flowering plants, but also grass on the lawn. In the shade, the lawn begins to deteriorate, mosses and sometimes fungal diseases appear. If there is not enough sun in the garden, it is better to abandon it and arrange decorative gravel, which will very well emphasize greenery and other plant colors.

Flowers in the garden

Excess sun, as well as its lack, is not very good for plants. In the case of a large number of trees in the garden should choose shade-loving flowers. In shady conditions, all types of plants from the forest environment feel good. Some of them really bloom beautifully. Again, it is worth paying attention to the selection of species that provide excellent flowering almost all year round. At the beginning of spring, primrose and snowdrops appear. Then comes the time of violets, anemone and lilies of the valley. In summer, eagles, bells and digitalis purpurea will bloom. It is good to think about long flowers that inhibit the growth of weeds. Particularly beautiful are periwinkles, medunica officinalis, ferns and fuchsias. Of course, ivy can also be great for shading windows, terraces, fences and walls.

Beautiful country landscape design: paths and alleys

Plants are an important part in shaping garden design, but you also need to take care of the quality and appearance of the paths. Walkways and malls should also harmonize with the style of the garden and all the vegetation. Especially important is the choice of the right material for the paths and the way they are designed. It is better not to build labyrinths, since you need to quickly and comfortably get to the house, gazebo and other important areas of the garden.

Cottage design with gazebo, pond, barbecue: small architecture in the garden

Elements of a small architecture should be neatly integrated into the garden space. On the one hand, they will be attractive, and on the other, practical.

Garden furniture

The garden gazebo will not only provide shading, but also create an extremely charming and enjoyable place to relax or organize a party. It can be decorated with unique colorful vines that change color in the fall.

Artificial pond

A fantastic gazebo will harmonize with vegetation and a pond. Many people choose a garden pond in interesting forms. An interesting effect will be added by a small wooden bridge above it. In very large areas, a pool is also acceptable for those who like to splash in the water. Even in a small garden, you are sure to find a place for a small but beautiful fountain or mini-waterfall.

BBQ for summer outings

In private gardens, the ideal choice would be a brick grill with a smokehouse or an iron barbecue, where you can prepare delicacies for evening gatherings.

The design of a garden plot is a whole art that should be carefully planned and organized. The garden will please you for many years, if you follow the practical tips and photo ideas in this article.

Watch the video: How To Design The Perfect Landscape. Landscape Design 101 (October 2024).

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