Design stylish and modern hallways in the photo

The entrance hall is a special place where relatives and guests are met and escorted. A modern entrance hall with an original design will allow everyone to feel the atmosphere of the apartment from the doorway, it is for her to judge the tastes of the homeowner. If the design of this space is wrong, then you can spoil the whole picture of the interior of the housing, worsen or even spoil the first impression.

You can strive to create a hallway as attractive as possible, but first of all you need to remember about its functional purpose. It is the entrance hall that meets all home and guests. They take off shoes, outerwear, which may be wet or dusty. Gloves, umbrellas and caps are also stored here, which means that you need to equip a special place for them.

This room not only meets, but also escorts, because it is here that we stay before leaving the apartment. In fact, this is the most “passing” place in the apartment, and therefore, in the foreground is its functionality.

"Entrance" is the entrance to the housing part, which may consist of an entrance hall, or include a hall, its separate part or a long corridor.

Fashionable materials

Given the functional purpose of this space, you need to use materials that will be as resistant to abrasion and wear, able to withstand moisture and dirt.

Material Requirements:

  • Easy cleaning.
  • Increased wear resistance.
  • Environmental friendliness.

Furniture requirements will be similar: an expensive tree does not look appropriate here, because it can be quickly damaged.

Hallway flooring:

  • Ceramic or stone tiles.
  • Porcelain tile.
  • Linoleum.
  • He cut natural stones.

Now a new laminate is gaining popularity, which is characterized by high resistance to moisture and water. Natural parquet is not used here, as it quickly deteriorates. Walls are best painted or moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Modern hallway furniture

Now for the hallway it is best to use multifunctional furniture. For example, a shoe bench can be used as a storage box, and an ottoman that you can sit on will be a “safe” for accessories, etc.

A number of necessary pieces of furniture and technical equipment:

  • Shoe shop. If the dimensions allow, then you can put on a shoe cabinet, the upper part of which will serve as a glove table or a shelf for bags and other small things.
  • Cupboard. This piece of furniture can be found in almost every apartment, because it stores both outerwear and many other things that did not find another place to store. The closet can be fundamentally small, but can be a whole closet or wardrobe room.
  • Padded stool or seat. A place so that you can conveniently put on shoes can serve as an element for storing small items, and is also sometimes mounted with a hanger to save space.
  • Mat. No matter how good the floor is, a small rug by the door is an obligatory element of the hallway interior. As soon as you cross the threshold of the house, you immediately stand on the rug, which takes away most of the moisture and dirt brought from the street.
  • Mirror. The larger the mirror here, the better, because every person who leaves the house will definitely look in the mirror, put himself in order and admire whether the selected clothes are suitable for leaving the house. Girls and women can do makeup here, or just straighten their hair. The best option would be a mirror in the height of a person for a good overview.
  • Lighting. It is it that greatly affects the design of the hallway, its perception. The owners can choose from several types of lighting, for example, general (near the entrance, immediately illuminates all the necessary space), local (for highlighting certain areas - a cabinet, mirror, shoe rack, etc.), decorative (will allow you to set the right accents, emphasize originality design ideas and solutions, visually increases the space).
  • Other elements of the interior. It can be key holders, comfortable tables, an umbrella stand, a hanger and a number of other decor items. Designers and experts agreed that it makes no sense to overload the hallway with decor elements that are not useful. Therefore, most items must have a functional load and justify their presence.

Design and choice of modern color

In both small and large hallways, the minimalist style is relevant and interesting. It is he who will help make the room as functional, restrained as possible and save you from unnecessary clutter.

For entry, we also apply the Scandinavian style, which combines environmental safety and ease of design.

Regardless of the chosen style, you need to be restrained in the decor, try to ensure that the functional role is taken by the functional furniture. For example, you can use the original hanger, which will be interesting to look and create a pleasant impression.

The color scheme should emphasize the peculiarity and importance of this space, visually increase the hallway and adjust its proportions. Often there is no natural light, so the use of dark tones is not preferable.

The main colors that designers recommend:

  • White in all shades.
  • Beige (peach, coffee with milk).
  • Gray color in bright colors.

In the hallway you can also use active colors, but only as additional ones or combine them with light ones, all depending on the style. Beige will go well with chocolate or sand color. White color elegantly looks in addition with blue or its shades. In general, you need to make the hallway so that it does not seem gloomy or too dark.

An exception to the rule may be a large hallway with high ceilings. Here you can use bright colors, sharp contrasts and transitions, which visually reduces the room and makes it more comfortable.

Watch the video: Beautiful and stylish hallway design ideas (October 2024).

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