Blue bath - a world of depth and tranquility

You never had a question, why some things leave you indifferent, while others, as they say, "catch"? At the moment, this is just the case. Why didn’t you miss the title of this article? Everything is very simple. From the point of view of psychologists.

There is such a science - psychology, which explains almost every action you take. So, from the point of view of psychologists, the blue color and its various shades have always been companions of a person who is characterized by such features as:

  • call of Duty;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • the ability not to create conflict situations and resolve peacefully if they arise;
  • intuitiveness in actions;
  • poise and calm.

The fact that you are interested in this article, at least up to these lines, just speaks of you even better than you think and know about yourself. That is, strive for calm, prefer stability in life, build relationships with people on the principles of spirituality.

You can tell a lot of interesting things about a person based on his commitment to blue, but the purpose of this article is different. It seems that you are reading this article not only out of interest in blue. The main interest is the future bathroom. Well, her color only contributed to the selection of this particular article.

Where to start and how to end? We count to the smallest detail

Any work begins with this question, especially the design of the bathroom. First you need to decide how large the bathroom will be. Of course, if there is a choice. Because it depends on what the interior will be, its design. To begin, consider the option of a small bathroom. This is perhaps the most common and most difficult option. Everything should be calculated to the smallest detail. A bathroom is not a living room where you can change the arrangement of furniture and other attributes for an hour.

We plan bathroom fixtures - once and for all

Choosing a room under the bathroom, you should decide on the "deployment" of plumbing. First of all, determine the installation location of the bathroom. This is the main object of the room.

The bathroom should not be installed near the window. The bathroom is not a podium. We will not talk about the piquancy of this place. But talk about the possibility of a cold while taking a bath follows. Unless, of course, the windows in the bathroom do not have six double-glazed windows. Then - to health. Windows are not a hindrance. As evidenced by numerous projects.

In a small room, a corner bathroom is often used. Its very name and the corresponding design indicate the place of its installation - in the corner. It takes up little space, but its functionality does not suffer from this.

The arrangement of the rest of the plumbing should be approached from the point of view of its compactness, ease of use and, of course, from the existing water supply and sewage system. Bathroom plumbing in a small room should be placed along the wall. This will save you on the water line.

You should consider how to hide the water supply and sewage lines. Even painted in your favorite blue color, pipes will spoil the whole look of the bathroom. Therefore, with the help of nightstands for plumbing, you can perfectly solve this problem. Especially if they are indigo. And the nightstands themselves will serve as an excellent place to store all kinds of toilet things. Wall mounted cabinets of the same color complement them perfectly. Blue color has an even greater effect, which is akin to admiring the spring sky. In autumn, when clouds cover the sky, this color will be especially pleasing to the eye.

But it is much more efficient and practical to hide everything superfluous with the help of special panels mounted along the walls. With this option, repair of communications is very easy.

In a spacious bathroom, the interior design looks more free and more interesting. Here you can already allow the built-in bath, which even provides tea drinking. The combination of the blue color of the wall cladding, floor, accessories and tea party has a tremendous, relaxing effect.

Often a spacious bathroom has a shower. The area is quite enough. And showers are now becoming quite multifunctional. They provide several shower modes (it is especially wonderful to take a shower in the "rain" mode), massage devices for legs and other parts of the body, and audio equipment. And all this in blue (blue, blue-green, blue-violet) color.

Bathroom lighting - an analogue of a film studio

Lighting in the bathroom should be the same as at the Mosfilm or Dolzhenko film studio. The viewer does not notice him, but it is. So it should be in your bathroom - dispersed, soft and pleasant. The bathroom is a kind of relaxation room, not a disco. With the proper organization of lighting, the calming effect of blue in the design of the room will only increase. Lighting should be adequate at any time of the day. Usually artificial lighting (lamps, chandeliers, shades) is planned in such a way as to allow men to shave thoroughly, and women to apply beautiful makeup. Even in the evening.

Wall, floor decoration - the final of the design work

After the work has been done on the placement and installation of plumbing equipment, lighting fixtures, necessary hanging cabinets, you can begin the final work - the design of the walls, floor in the desired color background. The combination of blue and white is considered classic for the bathroom.

With the help of blue and its many shades, the zones of the bathroom and shower cabin are distinguished from the rest of the room. The blue color creates the feeling that you are entering the water before entering the bathroom. At your discretion, the rest of the plumbing is allocated. But this is already acceptable for a spacious bathroom. If this is done in a small room, the design will be very colorful. The overall harmony of color will be spoiled

The lining of the floor and walls must be waterproof. Usually done with ceramic tiles. The color of the tiles, mosaics (of course, blue) should be harmonious with the general color background. Otherwise, the entire blue effect will be ruined. Experts recommend the use of glossy tiles. Looks great wall and floor mosaic blue shades. By the way, the mosaic coating allows you to visually enlarge the room. When using tile as a floor covering, be sure to pay attention to its surface. Slippery wet floor can seriously spoil your mood, and even health. Even the blue color of this gender will not please you.

If you find the decoration of walls with ceramic tiles costly, then the option of covering them with plastic panels is possible. They are cheaper than ceramics. Blue plastic looks a bit more noble and tender than tiles.

The bathroom, which has a blue color in its design, blows the freshness of the sea. It causes a person a sense of well-being and self-confidence. It is pleasant to feel the breath of the sea at any time of the year or day. It works blue. However, do not get involved in deep blue (indigo). Dominant in the color scheme of the bathroom, it can cause an oppressive feeling, apathy. But the bathroom does not go for these feelings. Right?

Being in the bathroom, where almost any shade of blue reigns, you will feel how the nervous tension of the working day goes somewhere, your heart starts to work more calmly, and you are immersed in bliss and peace.


Some experts consider the blue color somewhat cold, creating glare from the sun and making skin color pale. But these experts are clearly not one of those people to whom you belong. Therefore, do not pay attention to their tips about blue in the bathroom. To you - bliss, peace and self-confidence after a blue bath!

Watch the video: Bathtime Serenity - Global Journey (October 2024).

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