How to choose plastic furniture for the cottage, a review of models

Dacha plots by many owners are used not only for sowing various crops, but also for sharing vacations with family and friends. Therefore, an indispensable condition for competent improvement of the territory is the purchase of furniture for a summer residence. It must meet certain requirements for items used on the street. Additionally, it must be of high quality, safe, attractive and comfortable. A great choice is plastic furniture for the garden, which has numerous advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Furniture made of plastics for summer cottages is made by many companies, and it is considered the most popular among all items intended for use on the street. The positive parameters of its use include:

  • high strength and reliability;
  • resistance to various exposure factors, which include rain or constant exposure to different surfaces of the sun;
  • light weight that allows you to transfer structural data from one place to another at any time;
  • it is very simple to take care of such furniture, as various impurities are easily eliminated with a normal soap solution, and for serious stains it is allowed to use different cleaners;
  • plastic furniture for a summer residence has an acceptable cost, so every owner of a summer cottage can attractively equip a territory, and for this you won’t have to spend a lot of money;
  • designs are produced in numerous colors, shapes, textures and sizes, therefore, each owner of the cottage can independently determine which models are ideally suited for his territory, and at the same time you can adhere to any particular style of design.

If the family has small children, then you can even choose special children's furniture made of plastic.

The disadvantage of plastic furniture is that it is incredibly simple to scratch it, but it is impossible to eliminate it with any restoration steps. If a poorly selected exterior item is selected, it will fade in the sun and may be completely deformed at high temperature. If you provide optimal conditions for plastic furniture, do not make up all day in the sun and wipe it regularly, then it will last a long time and will delight you with its attractive appearance.


Plastic garden furniture is available in many varieties. Types differ in the material of production, manufacturing method, size, shape and other parameters. The most popular plastic furniture include:

  • light chairs, which are small in size and are available in different colors;
  • tables of various sizes and shapes, designed for eating outdoors;
  • benches, providing comfort in the garden, and they can be quite interesting and unusual in appearance;
  • rocking chairs, and they are made of durable plastic and usually have a high cost, but at the same time provide really high comfort of being on the site.

In the process of choosing such furniture, one should take into account the country of its production, and it is Italy that produces really high-quality products, but the purchase of Italian exterior items will require significant financial expenses from buyers.

According to the manufacturing method

Country furniture made of plastic may vary depending on the method of its production. Technologies for these purposes can be used:

  • molding or molding - this is precisely the technology that is most in demand, and with it, the greatest number of various plastic furniture is created. The procedure for creating structures using this method assumes that forms are initially prepared into which a previously made mixture of plastic, dye and some other components is poured. After it hardens under optimal conditions, certain furniture is obtained. This method is used to create both outdoor and any other furniture;
  • weaving - this method involves the use of a special material - artificial rattan. It is a special plastic tape, from which various exterior items are obtained. Through the use of this material, garden furniture made of plastic is guaranteed to have an exquisite and unique appearance. It can have different sizes, colors and shapes, and various technologies are used for weaving. The cost of structures is considered affordable, and at the same time they are characterized by high wear resistance. If we study the technology of weaving, then plastic furniture can be created with your own hands;
  • furniture made of plastic bottles - it is usually created independently, since it is difficult to find it for sale. To create designs, standard plastic bottles are used. This method involves significant cost savings, since you do not have to spend a lot of money on getting full-fledged interior items. However, their appearance is considered not too attractive. They are not suitable if the owners of the garden want an unusual and sophisticated exterior.

If furniture made of plastic bottles is chosen for the garden, then in addition these bottles can be used to create different decorative elements on the site.

CastingFrom the bottlesWicker

According to the method of use

Plastic items can be used for different purposes, so when choosing them, you should consider who will act as their direct user, and also in what way they will be used.

In accordance with the features of the application, plastic garden furniture is distinguished:

  • nursery - is represented by numerous chairs and tables, which are small in size and bright colors. Also, various game complexes, for example, slides and houses, are considered to be in demand. Such furniture allows each child to have fun and interesting time in the country, so parents can enjoy peace and quiet;
  • furniture for relaxation - designed for a comfortable pastime in the open air. Often, a complete set is purchased, which includes a table and chairs. Additionally, furniture in the form of sofas, deck chairs, armchairs and other structures can be purchased. All of them can be performed in different colors and have a variety of shapes. Usually adult people use these designs.

In the process of production of such furniture exclusively non-toxic plastic is used, therefore it is safe for people and animals.

ChildrenFor relax

Color spectrum

Plastic is considered easy to process material, and when used in the process of creating furniture, various dyes can be used. Due to this, the receipt of items with a variety of shades is guaranteed.

You can choose designs that belong even to a certain stylistic direction in the design, so a truly unique decoration of any garden plot is provided.

When choosing furniture colors, factors are considered:

  • structures should be well combined in color with other elements available on the site;
  • if a set of plastic furniture is purchased, then usually all items in this set have the same color;
  • usually people try to create an atmosphere close to nature on the territory, and for this the optimal choice is furniture that has blue, green or other similar colors;
  • in the process of choosing the optimal furniture colors, the wishes of the direct users are taken into account, since they should like the chosen color scheme in order to have a good time on the territory;
  • if furniture for children is purchased, then it is obliged to have bright and cheerful colors.

The color of the furniture located next to the house must match the color of the walls of the building.

The nuances of choice

Since it is planned to buy furniture made of plastic, which will be used on the street, it must meet certain requirements:

  • high strength, which makes it possible to constantly use designs for other people of different weights and sizes;
  • wear resistance, as many negative factors will regularly affect various surfaces of such furniture on the street;
  • ease of use, giving owners the opportunity to enjoy a cozy pastime on the site;
  • durability that does not require frequent furniture changes;
  • attractive appearance corresponding to a pre-selected exterior style, and the atmosphere in the garden depends on it.

When choosing these items, you should decide whether to purchase a set of plastic furniture or whether all items will be purchased separately. The first option is considered the most relevant, since the products included in the set have the same color and are made in a similar style.

Also, plastic structures can be:

  • portable, making it possible at any time to change the location of any object, since they are light;
  • stationary, and they are not only quite heavy, but also have high resistance to various atmospheric influences, so they can be left on the street throughout the year.

Also, choosing a set of garden furniture, the advice of professionals is taken into account:

  • the table should correspond to the number of people who will use it for its intended purpose;
  • if the dacha is used extremely rarely, portable light furniture is considered optimal, since it will be contained in the house, and will only be pulled out into the street when it becomes necessary;
  • Chairs are selected in such a way as to fully match the color and style of the table;
  • chairs should have an optimal height, and it is also desirable that they be equipped with armrests for comfortable use for their intended purpose;
  • To increase the usability of the site, it is recommended to additionally purchase different swings, slides, deck chairs or other unusual plastic structures.

Thus, the choice of different plastic furniture depends on how often people will use it, as well as how many people are usually located on the territory. In addition, personal preferences and desires are taken into account so that each person feels in the country actually really comfortable and pleasant. In this case, the financial capabilities of the buyer are taken into account, as some manufacturers offer furniture made of plastic, which has an incredibly high cost.

Care Rules

Plastic furniture is considered very easy to maintain, however, to ensure its long service life, attention should be paid periodically to this process. Proper care is to perform simple and understandable actions:

  • if any dirt is found on the products, they are easily removed with a standard soap solution in which a suitable soft rag is moistened;
  • if the soap solution does not cope with pollution, then special cleaning agents for plastic are purchased, and it is important that the composition does not contain abrasives or chlorine, as these substances will easily violate the integrity of the structure;
  • after processing the furniture, it is recommended to dry it thoroughly and wipe it with a dry cloth;
  • for such constructions it is not allowed to use any hard brushes or scrapers;
  • it is possible to use special products for plastic surfaces that have a dirt-repellent effect, therefore, the purity of structures is ensured for a sufficiently long period.

If, as a result of various mechanical influences, various chips or scratches appear on the surfaces of such furniture, then you will not be able to get rid of them by any actions, therefore, you should initially try to treat them carefully so as not to leave such significant and ugly defects. Thus, the plastic furniture used in the summer cottage is considered an excellent solution for any garden area. It has numerous positive parameters and is available in many forms. You can choose designs specifically designed for children. It is even allowed to arrange the territory in any specific and uniform style, for which suitable exterior objects will be used. Caring for plastic products is actually very simple, and for this you do not need to use any expensive means. The cost of furniture is at an acceptable level, so every owner of a summer cottage can afford to buy it.



Watch the video: Architectural Model Making - Material Selection - An Architect's Guide Part 2 (October 2024).

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