Overview of cabinets for the nursery, how to make the right choice

A children's room is a place of a child’s permanent presence, so you need to try to equip it practical and rational. The wardrobe is one of the main components of its interior. To make the choice functional and durable, the closet for the nursery should be selected taking into account a number of requirements, which will be discussed later.


The wardrobe in the nursery must be chosen after first familiarizing yourself with all the models. There are many variations of furniture for children. To characterize each type, it is possible to conditionally divide designs into several categories.

By appointment

Speaking about what function the furniture attribute will perform, it is worth highlighting cabinets for storing clothes, underwear, books, toys. It is important to understand, the main thing is safety. Therefore, most manufacturers abandoned bulging pens and excess locks. The direct purpose of furniture is to serve the child. This part of the interior of the children's room should push the baby to maintain order, which will help him to be comfortable in the room.

When choosing a lot depends on:

  • wishes of parents and children;
  • room dimensions;
  • number of inhabitants;
  • gender of the child.

The boy does not have to have a dressing room. A two-door wardrobe will be enough. In the wardrobe, you can allocate a place for storing toys and sports equipment. A two-door children's wardrobe is also suitable for a baby.

Designing a nursery for a preschooler, parents are already planning a place for school supplies, so without a bookcase in any way. It can also be pencil cases provided for books and toys. Children's cabinets and racks are presented in a large number of versions.

By location

Parents are looking for a convenient arrangement of furniture in the nursery, because the child spends most of the time in this room. A holistic harmonious interior consists of many factors, but cabinets have a significant place here. It is desirable that children's furniture belong to the same style.

If you do not want to clutter up the room with furniture, really come up with more interesting options:

  • the corner option will accommodate the things the child needs. Its feature is the location along the corner. Visually, it saves space, as it is divided into two parts - on both sides of the corner;
  • make and built-in headsets. The peculiarity of the built-in furniture is that it is not visible due to a niche or other room attached to the children's room. You can stop at the dressing room for a girl or if the children's room is designed for two children at the same time. Embedding furniture is gaining popularity, especially among adolescents. Having such a dressing room, there is no need for pencil cases, there is plenty of space: they store clothes and everything that is used by the child. There are also disadvantages to built-in wardrobes - they cannot be moved to a new place;
  • the modern idea of ​​preserving space and creating a fashionable interior is the location of cabinets around a door or bed;
  • semi-built-in structures - almost do not differ from built-in ones, unless they are hidden due to the space of the room. A box is mounted around the cabinet to align its facade with the wall;
  • case - in them all parts are present: a roof, sides and a bottom. This is a standard option, which is a convenient storage of children's things;
  • modular systems - such a children's complex includes: a place for storing clothes, toys, books, a desk, a bed, a pencil case is possible. The disadvantage is too large dimensions - the perimeter of the room will be lined with furniture;
  • linear designs - this pattern is considered a classic. It impresses with its dimensions. There is a place in it not only for things, but also for bedding.

Children need cabinets not only as attributes of home use. When a child goes to a preschool, he has his own children's closet in the locker room. Teachers glue colorful pictures on lockers. In the locker room hang out a list of children labeled for parents. Locker rooms need to be made of quality material. Filling lockers primitive, usually they are single and swing. And in the middle there is a shelf for hats, hooks for outerwear and removable underwear, a shelf for shoes.

Lockers for locker rooms connect 5-6 pieces for stability and safety. Changing rooms are often made in the classical style, because for children’s institutions, the main thing is the harmonious development of the child, therefore they use light colors, but they use green and blue colors to saturate the faded room.

This is not the only place in the kindergarten where there are cabinets and shelves. For storage of pots also use a rack with drawers. Each of them is labeled and used according to the list. There are as many pots in the group as there are children in it. Kindergarten has lists labeled with many items used by children. This applies not only to pots, but also to bedding and towels. Most importantly, the furniture should be practical and comfortable for children.

Built inFor kindergartenAround the doorAngularSemi-builtModularCase

By type of facade

By design, facades are:

  • compartment;
  • swinging;
  • harmonic.

But before you begin to deal with them, you must immediately exclude the option with glass and a mirror, especially if the room is intended for a small child or two children. The closet, perhaps, has the most rational view for children, because the doors do not stick out and will never remain open. They will perfectly cope with the problem of lack of space, since no space is needed to open it.

Swing wardrobes are always considered modern. They are convenient and practical. No intricate designs to open a swing cabinet. But they are already a thing of the past, so those who are trying to keep up with the times will prefer more recent ideas. Although for kids it is well suited. If the owner of the room is a little girl, you can make a wardrobe in the form of a house. It will serve her not only as a place to store the things of the child, but also for children's games. It would be nice to make a cabinet with a door change function to easily replace them in the future. It is enough to change the houses for a more serious image. Double-leaf cabinets are great for this.

The facade is an accordion - a modern solution to difficulties with a place in the room. This is a stylish and interesting offer of furniture salons. It is considered more youthful than a children's option, but nevertheless, children like it. The most popular are sliding wardrobes with mirrored doors, but they are not too durable, if we talk about a room for two children.

Mirror facade happens:

  • sandblasted;
  • with stained-glass windows;
  • with large full-length mirrors;
  • with decoupage stickers.
DecoupageMirrorStained glassSandblasting

Fingerprints too clearly remain on the mirror, and if the child is too small, he will constantly touch it with small children's handles. The most suitable will be a closet for a nursery with a blank door, but with a picture on it. It can be cartoon characters and abstractions. For children, such a solution would be ideal. It is better to use green in the design of furniture, it has a calming effect on the human nervous system. There may simply be small green touches, and the basic tones are whiter.

The built-in wardrobe means wooden doors oar or sliding depending on the availability of free space. A built-in wardrobe is made with a facade repeating the pattern of the entrance door to the room, which will make it a secret place for undressing. This will be a separate storage room where everything you need is stored: shoes, underwear, clothes. Although the shoe compartment should not be there, because it does not provide for the classic model of the built-in wardrobe. It is usually made with swing doors.

Material Requirements

As said earlier, there are certain frameworks for creating furniture for a children's room. Firstly, it is advisable to make wardrobes and pencil cases from solid wood, but now it is a rarity when it comes to cabinets for children. Such furniture is too heavy and expensive, so not everyone can afford to make it from an array. Now children’s cabinets made of chipboard are held in high esteem, they are relatively inexpensive, and it’s easier to rearrange them. It is quite difficult for children to open the doors of double-wing wardrobes made of solid wood. Although the hinged closet can still learn to open.

Secondly, the cabinet should not have specific smells of paint and varnish products. A prerequisite for buying a wardrobe for children is a quality certificate. In this sense, it is better to acquire a cabinet from solid wood.

Children do not control movements and often coat furniture with paints, hands, and food. For this reason, a wardrobe should not be taken light, this color will constantly get dirty.

Shape and color

It is required to achieve maximum ergonomics when buying children's furniture, it should be as functional, practical, safe and accessible as possible for children. Although they like bright and colorful, do not decorate everything in the room with variegated colors. The best option is light color schemes of a green shade, because they are suitable for any coating. Green has a calming effect on humans. Green is also suitable if the closet is designed for the nursery for two children.

The white theme looks good, but it is not so practical. If the nursery is for a small child, the white facade will quickly become dirty. You can use red small elements or inserts for contrast, but no more. It is extremely rare to use red color to design a wardrobe for a child. Today it has become fashionable to print on the front of the cabinet a photo of a child or a picture from a favorite cartoon.

There is such an option as a two-level wardrobe, this is when there is a place for storing things at the bottom, and above it is a bed. This item is mainly part of a complete kit designed for a child’s room. Photos of the brightest representatives can easily be found in any furniture store.

The cabinet must have rounded corners, and it’s better to do without them at all to the maximum. Pencil cases are also worth buying as safely as possible. It is better to embed locks on cabinets from children so that they are not injured by the objects contained in it or even the shelves themselves. The shape of the cabinets is so diverse that sometimes it is hard to believe that a cabinet in a children's room is discussed.

There are such forms:

  • straight - without any turns and corner turns;
  • triangular - it is usually used instead of shelving for storing boxes and boxes of large size;
  • trapezoidal - as a rule, this is a way out in a situation when there is no place for the full volume of the wardrobe due to door leaves;
  • radius - a view of the facade with rounded front doors, is considered to be luxury furniture. But for children it will be better than ever, because it has practically no corners;
  • five-walled - accommodates two additional side parts;
  • diagonal - a case a case for a children's room in one place. It is placed diagonally, has no sharp corners, so it is very welcome in children's rooms.

A piece of furniture for storing clothes in a nursery can be built-in. As an option, a freestanding classic bivalve. Probably a version such as a rack with drawers, especially to store toys. Double wardrobes are not for families with several children, they are not spacious. In the nursery for two children, two-door wardrobes are suitable, preferably, each half should be made a separate place for storing things. Children want to own a private space for secrets, so you can embed locks on each door. The theme of the color scheme should be bright.

L shapedStraightRadiusTrapezoid


Very important in the closet - filling. The thing must be high-quality and durable. A two-piece piece of furniture is a worthy option. The wardrobe should contain:

  • a pipe for storing things on hangers;
  • shelves;
  • box for linen.

If the cabinet will be located at the window, you need to add a side extension for flower pots. Classic wardrobes do not contain shoe shelves. It is important to think over and evaluate the cabinet filling: the order in the children's cabinet depends on its practicality. Wardrobe is appreciated for its content. There is a place for everything in it: from linen to pots, sports equipment, toys.

The entire space of the built-in headset is divided into zones:

  • wardrobe;
  • shoe department;
  • for bedding;
  • basket for toys;
  • several racks to store a sports facility.

Rooms with fitted wardrobes are in demand. If the filling of the presented options in the store was not suitable, it is possible to fulfill it on order. A cabinet with shelves must be adapted to the height of the child, because it is difficult for the baby to use a cabinet that is not suitable for its size.

To keep the place for storing things always bright, there are special lights that turn on when the door is opened. The dressing room also illuminates the shelves. On the doors of double cabinets, locks are needed. They will help stop the door in the right position.

Selection rules

It’s not easy to get the right cabinets and pencil cases for the nursery. It is necessary to take into account the parameters:

  • safety - firstly, the absence of sharp corners, and secondly, locks and handles should not protrude. It is advisable not to use mirror surfaces;
  • functionality - you need to look for a closet in the nursery in such a way that it is distinguished by perfect filling and contains a maximum of the necessary zones;
  • design - it is important that the child likes the design. If the girl is delighted with doll houses, let them be on the front of the closet. There is a large palette of shades: green, red, white, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Adhering to the classics, you should focus on choosing a lighter shade as the main one. An additional color will be: green, blue or red palette of shades. It is better to refuse white to parents of kids. Green is considered more preferred. You can do a photo with a car or a robot on the door.

It must be remembered that the child will use a piece of furniture, so it is better not to take a cabinet with a mirror. The wardrobe door must be durable and easy to wash. Same thing with the built-in furniture department.

Cases must be selected based on the above parameters. It’s better for teenagers to buy the built-in elements, because the kid will not appreciate the dimensions of such a wardrobe, and the built-in wardrobe is more difficult to use independently.

Classics are always in fashion, but modern innovations add a twist to the interior. Photos of modern interior designs can be found in catalogs. And progress did not stop on cabinets with a mirror on the facade: there are a lot of interesting and fresh ideas.

An important aspect will be the location of the furniture. The window should be freed even from a small section of the cabinet. Now there are ideas to install cabinets between the windows, but then the window will not approach.

If we talk about shelving and shelves, the main rule remains - safety. Rack mounts must be heavy-duty. When there is a lock in the cabinet, it is better to own a spare key. Having carefully studied the issue, you can make a good purchase, which will delight in quality and functionality.



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