The best mattress options for cots, the nuances of choice by age

Coziness and comfort are important when creating a sleeping place for a child. It is easy to buy beds that have a fabulous look and are perfect for the interior of a nursery. And you need to purchase a mattress for a crib, taking into account the characteristics of a growing organism. Therefore, products are selected that provide a full sleep and proper body position.

Features of products for children

Manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of products for children. In the manufacture of mattresses, several nuances are taken into account:

  • Products are created taking into account the light weight of the kids. Therefore, models are produced thinner than adult counterparts. The thickness of children's mattresses ranges from 4-21 cm;
  • For spring models, softer springs with a low density are used.

Particular attention is paid to the quality of components. The production uses only environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials, which is especially important for young children who spend a lot of time in beds. If you understand in detail the characteristics of the mattresses, then it is easy to purchase a product that is most suitable for a particular child.

Selection options

Naturally, each parent wants to purchase the best mattress for the baby. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, it is necessary to understand well the characteristics and sizes of mattresses for cots. Then it will turn out to create a comfortable and full-fledged berth.

The size

Some manufacturers create furniture and bedroom products of special standards. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a bed with a mattress of the same company. When choosing a model, first of all, they are repelled by the parameters of the bed. Standard sizes of mattresses.

Width cmLength cm

Depending on the thickness of the mattress, they distinguish between thin (4-11 cm) and high (12-21 cm) products. Moreover, a product with a block of independent springs and several additional layers can be thin. And there are tall products, the basis of which is one monolithic block of latex 13 cm thick. Most often in the passports for cots the recommended height of the mattress is indicated, it is desirable to focus on it.

Type and properties of filler

Manufacturing companies offer mattresses of various designs:

  • Spring units are available with dependent and independent spring units;
  • In the manufacture of springless mattresses, various fillers are used: coir, foam rubber, natural latex;
  • Combined, combining layers of different materials (sandwich structure) or spring blocks with sheets of coir, latex, felt. They are one-sided and two-sided.
Spring loadedSpringlessCombined

In each of the described groups there are also several modifications of products that differ in characteristics, positive and negative qualities:

  1. Models with dependent spring blocks (type "bonnel") are formed by separate elements, fastened together. Such mattresses provide the same rigidity over the entire area. The height of the blocks is 14 cm, the diameter of the springs is 8-10 cm, and the density is about 100 pcs / sq. A distinctive feature - when creating hard products often use additional materials (thin blocks of latex or coir). The main advantages: cheap price, durability, good air conductivity, does not require a special base, there is a special side for children. Disadvantages of a mattress: if a child likes to jump or spins a lot in a dream, then the springs will soon creak, and the mattress does not adapt to the shape of the body (bends like a hammock);
  2. In models with an independent spring unit, each barrel-shaped spring is located in a separate textile case. The principle of functioning of the mattress is the compression of one spring (diameter 5-6 cm) does not affect the others, therefore there is no hammock effect. The characteristics of such products are determined by the number of springs per square meter of area, on average - 250 pcs / sq.m. Some models may have different stiffness zones in the same product. The soft region is done in the lumbar region, and the hard region is made in the shoulder region. Thanks to the technology of independent springs, the orthopedic quality of the mattress is increased, which is its main advantage. The advantages also include: noiselessness (due to the isolation of the springs), safety, comfort. The main disadvantages are the high price, the bases of cots may not withstand the solid weight of products with a high density of springs;
  3. The coir is made from coconut fibers soaked in natural latex. The ratio of components may be different. A common proportion is 50/50. Sheets are produced with a thickness of 3-6 cm. The material is characterized by increased rigidity (depends on the thickness of the layer). Advantages of coir sheets: orthopedic properties, long service life, dust mites do not start. An excellent solution for children's mattresses is biocore, which consists of coconut fibers and polyester. This material perfectly tolerates wet cleaning, works well with spring blocks (springs do not sag or protrude). Disadvantages of layers of coconut fiber: the high price of quality products, products with low latex content begin to crumble faster. If synthetic latex is used in the production, then the mattresses may have a noticeable rubber smell;
  4. Foam mattresses are created with different densities of foam, which determines their rigidity. Blocks with a thickness of 7-15 cm are produced. The main advantages of the material: light weight, softness and elasticity, hypoallergenicity, preservation of positive qualities at temperature extremes, mold and fungi do not start in foam rubber, reasonable cost. Significant disadvantages - does not apply to orthopedic models, dries slowly;
  5. Latex mattresses are created by foaming the juice (hevea) of a rubber tree. The thickness of the layer varies from 3 to 16 cm. Some mattresses exhibit orthopedic qualities due to different zones of elasticity in one product. Models are made solid (in one block) or assembled from several latex sheets (approximately 3 cm thick). The main advantages of the material: environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity, anatomical effect (repeats the shape of the body), it is easily ventilated (due to perforation), dust mites do not start, high service life. The downside of natural latex mattresses is the high cost. You can choose products from artificial latex, which cost significantly less, but not so durable;
  6. In single-sided combined mattresses, the upper front side is designed for sleeping, and the lower one is covered with durable wear-resistant material. Such models do not turn over, so they have a short service life;
  7. Combined double-sided mattresses are more popular. They most often consist of an internal spring block and surface layers (of coconut coir or latex thin blocks).

The best option is a combined mattress, in which the sides are made of different materials that differ in terms of rigidity. The most common combination is a hard coir sheet and a mid-level latex block. Advantages: you can choose a product "for growth", different sides are suitable for winter / summer, long service life.

It is impossible to call ideal any particular type of filler. Which mattress to give preference to is decided by the parents.

BonnelCoiraFoam rubberLatexBilateral

Hardness level

When evaluating the characteristics of the mattress, special attention is paid to its elasticity, since a berth affects the formation of the child’s posture. It should be borne in mind that the same materials can exhibit different levels of stiffness:

  • Mattresses with independent springs cannot have less than 200 spring blocks per square meter. A common option for children is products with a density of 220-300 springs per 1 sq m. The orthopedic effect is created due to the presence of zones of different stiffness. The simplest model is a 3-zone one, in which the middle part and softer zones are reinforced in the areas of the shoulders, head and legs. Expensive mattresses have 5-9 zones of varying degrees of elasticity;
  • The rigidity of foam products is determined by the density of the foam. Soft mattresses (22 kg / cubic meter) resemble featherbeds and poorly support the spine. Products of medium hardness 30 kg / m3) exhibit minimal orthopedic qualities. Rigid models (40 kg / cubic meter) perfectly support the back and are usually equipped with plates of coconut coir. Worthy of attention are products with a density of 28-30 kg / cubic meter (service life of 6 years) or 35-40 kg / cubic meter (service life of 10 years);
  • The rigidity of latex mattresses is determined by the density of the material, the number of holes and their diameter. To get different stiffness zones in one product, manufacturers make holes of different diameters (the smaller the diameter, the harder the mattress) or change their number.

When organizing a berth, they are more oriented to the age of the child than to his weight.

Age selection

The requirements for a sleeping place for children of different years are different. The best option for a newborn will not always work for a primary school student or teenager. If there is any doubt about the choice of a mattress, then it is advisable to listen to the opinions of experts:

  • In infants, the S-shaped bend of the spine is not formed and they do not need a pillow for sleep. A suitable sleeping option is a thin coir mattress with the same rigidity on both sides. Such products dry quickly and pass air well, do not cause allergies. Manufacturers offer models with a thickness of 3 to 9 cm. It is recommended to choose an average size - 4-7 cm;
  • Children from about 2-3 years old are already sleeping in a crib. Since the S-shaped bend of the spine has already formed, and the kids are sleeping with pillows, then for a berth you can choose more comfortable mattresses. The weight of the child is still small, and mobility is already high. Therefore, for cribs 160x70 cm, springless mattresses made of latex and polyurethane are suitable, showing an orthopedic effect and on which kids will not be interested in jumping. You can also use combined products, popular due to the more affordable price. In them, the outer layers are made of coir, and the inner ones are made of holofiber;
  • For younger schoolchildren, it is recommended to choose mattresses of medium hardness (spring or springless). The choice of product depends on the complexion of the child and his activity. For mobile and thin children, springless combined products of 160x80 cm are suitable (with an indoor unit made of holofiber, latex or foam rubber);
  • In adolescence, the spine is actively formed. Children spend a lot of time in a sitting position at computers. Therefore, problems with posture are very common. The best choice - combined products with a length of 190 cm, combining a spring block and layers of coir, latex. Such mattresses have a pronounced orthopedic effect and correctly support the body of a teenager, evenly distribute the load on the skeleton and muscles. It is advisable to stop the choice on models with blocks with independent springs. For thin children, IQ Spring mattresses are suitable, in which the springs are hourglass-shaped. Due to this feature, the products are highly sensitive and are suitable for adolescents weighing less than 50 kg. If there are problems with posture and spine, it is recommended to discuss the mattress with an orthopedic surgeon.

As a child grows up, the requirements for a sleeping place and mattress change. Therefore, you should not save on the health of the baby and buy one bed for the period from birth to student years. In order for children to fully relax and physically develop correctly, it is advisable to choose mattresses that are relevant for different ages.

For children under 3 years - from latex, polyurethaneFor babies - thin from coirFor preschoolers - a medium hard mattressTeenage Combined


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