DIY assembly table for the transforming table, tips for the masters

Most owners of modern housing note a common problem - lack of free space. In an effort to place all things as compactly as possible, one has to resort to all kinds of tricks. One way to make room without sacrificing comfort is to make a transformer table with your own hands using a ready-made lifting mechanism. Multifunctional furniture, which in the folded position differs in very modest dimensions, can be organically fit into a variety of interiors due to the large number of options. It is not difficult to make a transforming table at home, only initial skills of craftsmanship and correctly performed cutting of the components of the structure will be required.

Types of structures

Transforming tables are found in a variety of modifications. There are products for work, eating, reading. Each of these categories has unique characteristics and capabilities. By purpose, the models are divided into the following types:

  1. Storage table. It features an unusual design, includes two or three drawers and a countertop. Open this product by rotation along the axis.
  2. Dining Magazine. The model is recognized as the most common transformer table. When folded, the product is inconspicuous and does not take up much space. On ordinary days, it is used as a coffee table, and if necessary, the design can be laid out in a comfortable, full dining table. Only a few movements, and after it 5-7 people can comfortably accommodate.
  3. Journalist worker. This is a transforming table similar to the previous model, for the manufacture of which a different type of countertop is used. There is no need to completely lay it out or change its shape. This design is used to transform the table into a desk with the ability to adjust the height. Additional storage boxes are also provided here. In addition, the tabletop of the coffee table can change position by changing the order of the fasteners.
  4. A picnic table. The product assumes the presence of two benches, shifting and unfolding which you can get high-grade comfortable furniture. This model does not contain particularly complex devices, in fact, there is one mount with a swivel mechanism and a bolt-lock.

There is a turntable that is equipped with an interesting folding mechanism. Design schemes suggest the presence of additional surfaces superimposed on one another. Special metal guides are used here. At the time of unfolding, the upper part moves, and additional elements appear. Subsequently, all components are combined into a single countertop.

The rotary table-transformer involves the use of inserts responsible for the extension of additional parts of the countertop. They are on a gas lift or on a spring. The first insert is distinguished by its quiet operation, sliding due to internal processing, while the spring acts with little noise. At the same time, the gas lift has its own resource, after which the mechanism weakens and wears out. The spring is recognized as a more durable insert, however, and more traumatic, since it can fail and burst.

Turntables are the most sought after model. On the sides can be additional parts of the countertop. The design of this piece of furniture suggests that all its elements can undergo transformation. At the same time, there are products that can change the height. As a rule, the regulation function is provided for tables with a more complex automatic device.

A fairly common model is a round table. Thanks to its shapes, it helps to “soften” the interior. After unfolding, round products become oval, which significantly increases their size. At the same time, up to 8-10 people can fit behind them. Such a transformer has many advantages: when unfolded, it increases significantly, accommodating many people sitting in the room, it becomes the central, unifying element. At the same time, a round table requires several times more space than similar rectangular structures. The simplicity of self-production of a round version of the transformer furniture is a moot point, since it is possible to cut a countertop only with the help of special equipment.

Designers do not recommend placing dark furniture in a small room. Visually, it further reduces the room. It is better to give preference to a light table, for example, ivory.

No less popular are rectangular transforming tables. This model is considered to be a classic option. Among the advantages note spaciousness and compactness. When folded, the product is small-sized, and after decomposition becomes a full-fledged dining table. There are various variations of sliding models, the size during transformation can vary slightly or quite significantly. It is easiest to make a rectangular design yourself; even a novice master can make such a table.

JournalistRoundDining MagazineTurningPicnic tableStorage table

Types of Transformation Mechanisms

Each model of the furniture under discussion is equipped with a transforming mechanism. There are several varieties of such devices. All of them have their own disadvantages and advantages, focusing on which it is worth choosing the most suitable option for yourself. The following transformation mechanisms are distinguished:

  1. One of the most advanced and modernized is the acrobat. The design implies the presence of a metal frame with a spring axis, the main countertop is mounted on top. The plugs that hold the retractable part are located on the sides of the furniture. Furniture with an "acrobat" mechanism looks like a small coffee table, it is not difficult to assemble it with your own hands. Transformation into a standard dining model takes place in a few seconds.
  2. The sliding mechanism of the transformer table increases the countertop thanks to hidden sections fixed under the product. It is enough to pull the main parts to the side, as free space appears, along the edges of which grooves are installed, an additional part is placed in them. Experts advise giving preference to metal mechanisms, since plastic parts significantly reduce the period of operation of the table.
  3. The lifting mechanism ("book") is the very first transforming device. In the period of the USSR, furniture equipped with such a design was in almost every house. The table-book is laid out by lifting the side countertops and installing supports under them. Previously, such pieces of furniture were equipped with a metal frame, which increased the size and weight of the structure. Now such products are made from chipboard. Regardless of the lightness and compactness of such tables, such models are considered obsolete options.

The transformation device can be made with your own hands. But since it will take a lot of time, financial resources and efforts, it is more rational to purchase a factory model of a lifting mechanism.

Acrobat mechanismSliding mechanismTable book

Self assembly

For the most part, all transformer tables suggest the possibility of self-assembly, so if you wish, you can do without the services of a wizard and save money. The assembly instructions attached to each model describe in detail the entire process in steps.

As a standard, any table model is equipped with:

  • legs;
  • lifting gear;
  • frame structure;
  • shelves and drawers (if any);
  • fittings;
  • accompanying instructions with the assembly table of the transformer table.

Separately, you will need to prepare a set of tools. First of all, a screwdriver and a screwdriver will be required. A ruler with a pencil and a building level will not be superfluous. After all the tools have been prepared, you should study the instructions for assembling the transformer with your own hands. This will save time and eliminate the likelihood of errors and structural damage. Assemble the transformer table step by step according to the factory scheme:

  1. Fasten the legs to the frame.
  2. Install the tabletop lifting mechanism there.
  3. If shelves or drawers are provided, assemble them.
  4. Install an additional countertop on the lifting mechanism.
  5. The assembly of the table is completed by the installation of the main countertop, after which it is necessary to once again check the reliability of all the fasteners, if necessary, tighten the bolts.

When assembling a transformer table with your own hands, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and diagrams. The correct sequence of actions will provide the owner with a long and safe period of operation of the product.

Assembly diagramBase assembly with legsSpring fixingAssembled mechanismMounting countertopsFixation of the upper movable partHiding the lock loopReady product

How to make yourself

Shops offer a variety of transforming furniture. The cost of such models is sometimes quite high. Making a transformer table with your own hands will save money.

For self-assembly, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill / driver and bits for it;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drills for wood;
  • disk grinder.

It is allowed to use the disc for the grinder as an analogue of the grinder, as an option - you can use a special nozzle for the drill.

Before you assemble the table, it is important to prepare the materials:

  • canvas;
  • timber;
  • double countertop and underframe (it is better to order a cut with the purchase indicating the necessary sizes when buying);
  • lifting gear;
  • fixing screws.

To make a do-it-yourself transformer table, drawings are one of the most important stages. They can be done with the help of special computer programs: draw a table diagram, create a cut map, calculate the amount of required materials. Using the program is easy, it takes one to two days to prepare the project.

At the time of purchase of materials in the store, it is better to order a cut of parts in accordance with the required dimensions and quantity. Ready elements need only be fixed with bolts, having mounted the transforming mechanism. Also, before making a transforming table with your own hands, you should start preparing holes for fixing parts. It is better to make markings with a pencil and a ruler. This will ensure a smooth installation.

The assembly algorithm is as follows:

  1. When the holes are ready, fit the parts.
  2. Assemble the frame of the product, securely fastening the components together.
  3. Fix the table supports and the table stand.
  4. Install the main countertop on top.

The finished product will not differ from store models. Using a similar algorithm, you can also make do-it-yourself transformer coffee tables. The undoubted plus of the home-made design is that it will fully comply with all individual wishes, and its cost will be quite low. Regardless of the model you choose, these are multifunctional pieces of furniture that will be indispensable for small-sized housing.

Table designCut detailsFrame assemblyMechanism installationLeg assemblyThe connection of the legs with the frameCountertop AssemblyReady table



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