Interesting facts about the popular and medicinal garden plant stonecrop

Stonecrop is a very famous garden plant. Stonecrop is popular among flower growers because it has a decorative appearance and has healing properties. Often a plant is used in landscape design.

Stonecrop - a plant of various shapes and colors is widely used in garden design. If you make the landing and care, the stonecrop will look like in the photo. Most types of stonecrop are ground cover, undersized. The maximum height of the bush is 70 cm.

The unpretentious flower is loved by the people, it bears the name of feverish, hernial grass, sedum. Grass or shrub grows on soil where other plants do not live. Therefore, it is used in decorative landscaping, hiding unsightly places. The article will talk about the flower itself, about the rules of care and reproduction.

What is this plant?

What is it also called and how is it different from the grab?

A flower has many different names.

In Latin, stonecrop sounds like "Sedum," but the people have other names: because of the succulent leaves, it is called rabbit cabbage, hernia, fever, or creak grass.

In science, it is customary to call sedum "sedum", with emphasis on the first syllable of the word. Among flower growers, the plant is known as "stonecrop."

The accountant is referred to as "Hylotelephium".

There are two versions of the origin of the name Sedum. According to one of them - the flower took its name from the Latin word "sedo", which means "subside." From the second version it follows that the sedum is named after the word "sedeo", which translates as "sit". This name is suitable for stonecrop, as the plant is stunted and tightly pressed to the surface of the soil, it seems that it sits on the ground.

Many types of stonecrops are now called differently from before, since some of them are referred to as subcultures. Differences between stonecrop and stonecrop only in flowers. In stonecrops, during flowering, they are always wide open and have a star shape, and in stonecrops, bell-shaped flowers.

Which group can be classified as rabbit cabbage and where does it grow?

Stonecrop refers to the large genus Crassulaceae. Succulent is not whimsical at all and can survive even in mountainous areas and arid areas. This is a perennial plant with roots in the form of tubers.

Flowering of this species is long and plentiful. With the onset of frost, the ground part of the sedum dies. Stonecrop is common in Northeast China, the temperate zones of Europe, and is also found in Japan and Korea. A small number of species grow in the southern hemisphere.

Description of appearance

Stonecrop - a small bush with many small flowers that densely dot the top. The plant is bush-shaped and creeping on the ground. The flowers are different in color and shape, but in all species they are collected in groups resembling umbrellas.

A distinctive feature of stonecrop - fleshy dense leaves with a gray coating. They are rounded in shape. In most varieties, the color of the leaves is greenish-blue, but there are maroon with bright spots.

Some species change color by fall. For example, the stonecrop is visible, in the fall it turns pink.

We offer you to watch a video about the plant Stonecrop:

Is it easy to grow and how long does it live?

The plant requires little attention, even a beginner grower will cope with the cultivation of stonecrop. Insofar as succulent is heat resistant, easily tolerates a lack of moisture during the heat. He needs watering only in order to maintain his decorative look.

It tolerates winter well and does not need a transplant for 5 years. Stonecrop is one-year, two-year, but most of the species are perennial plants that live for more than five years.

How does it look in the photo?

Types of Sedum

Sedum has about 300 species. Sometimes they are so different from each other that it is not immediately clear that this is one and the same plant. There are undersized stonecrops and tall, photos of which can be seen below.

For example, a prominent stencil, in which the stalk is long, reaching 50 centimeters, is tall, but stonecrop is white, it is already a stunted plant, its stems in length do not exceed 5 centimeters.

Almost every variety has its own unique look and color of flowers. Also, varieties are divided into frost-resistant and heat-loving crops grown only at home.

Home Care

  • The main thing in leaving is the selection of a well-lit place. Flowers love the sun and in the absence of a sufficient amount of sunlight, sedum begins to stretch and lose its decorative effect.
  • It is not whimsical to watering, it will be required moderate.
  • The soil is suitable for any cultivated one, the only thing that needs to be done is to add a bit of humus as a fertilizer.
The plant will not cope with the competition in the form of weeds, so cleaning will require frequent and thorough weeding.

About landing and subsequent care for the sedum at home, read here.


There are several ways to breed sedum.:

  1. By dividing the bush.
  2. The seeds.
  3. By the cut.

The easiest one is to tear off the sheet and put it on the ground in a pot, while watering and sprinkling with earth is not worth it, you just need to wait until it takes root.

It takes a long time to grow a large plant from a leaf. You can also use the division of the bush, but here you must be extremely careful and attentive, since you will have to work directly with the root system. Seed cultivation is considered the most difficult way.

We offer you to watch a video about the methods of propagation of stonecrop:

The healing properties of hernia or fever grass

Almost all types of stonecrops can be used in traditional medicine.

The composition of the plant includes nutrients:

  1. alkaloids;
  2. tannins;
  3. glycosides;
  4. vitamins.
Very useful and easy to prepare ointments, infusions and poultices are easily prepared from a flower.

It is used for the following diseases:

  • ischemia;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • headaches.

Helps to cope with pressure, calms the nervous system. You can find out about the healing properties of Purple, Living, Big and Caustic stonecrops in a separate article.

The use of perennials in garden landscaping

Stonecrop found its application in landscaping of any style. This plant is popular among designers, as it has several excellent advantages over other colors: it is resistant to heat, frost and a sharp change in temperature.

Often a flower is planted near fountains, in city beds, decorate alleys with it, and plant it in rockeries and rock gardens. Lush velvet flowers create magnificent paintings that play with their variety of colors and shades.

The overall picture is created not only by flowers, but also by leaves that densely cover the stem and give juiciness and freshness. You can find out all the details about the proper planting and care of this plant in the open ground here.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about plant species and grooming:


Stonecrop - a beautiful plant, mesmerizing with its diversity and originality. It is very easy to care for and does not require close attention. Such a flower will fit well into any garden.

Watch the video: How to Winter Over Sedum Plants (October 2024).

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