The nuances of consuming pomegranate: how to eat it properly so as not to harm your health and give it to pets?

Pomegranate is not in vain called the king of fruits. All thanks to the incredibly valuable composition and useful properties.

This fruit contains vitamins A, C, B6, E, P, iron, potassium, iodine, calcium and other substances necessary for humans. And freshly squeezed juice from it is considered a real delicacy.

This article describes in detail the nuances of using pomegranate: how to eat it correctly so as not to harm your health.

How to eat fruit?

Do they use with bones?

Pomegranate seeds are a valuable source of fiber. They practically do not digest, passing through the esophagus, collect various toxins and remove them from the body. So those who chew the grains completely are absolutely right, but who is not suitable for coarse fiber, you need to abandon the idea of ​​eating pomegranates along with the seeds.

Is it possible to eat every day and how much is acceptable?

Despite all the benefits, abuse this fruit is not worth it.

The daily intake of pomegranate for men is 3 fruits or 150 ml of natural juice. Women need a little less: 1-2 pieces or half a glass of juice.

If there are no contraindications or individual intolerance, you can pamper yourself with pomegranate every day in the season and pretty soon you will find that you become less sick: vitamin immunity will be very useful for immunity.

When is the best time to eat, is it allowed for the night?

Pomegranate can be eaten at any time. The main rule is half an hour or 40 minutes before the main meal. It will improve appetite, and excess stomach irritation after eating will be relieved.

An important point: aggressive substances contained in pomegranate juice can seriously damage tooth enamel.

You can reduce the harmful effects using a plastic drinking tube, do not forget to rinse your mouth.

At what age is permissible?

By adding pomegranate to your diet, we get a serious supply of nutrients. The immune-strengthening property of this fruit makes it useful for consumption at any age. And there are no special contraindications for this. He will protect children from acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, and the elderly will help strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Is it possible if the inside is brown?

For food, choose beautiful bright red fruits without brown marks on the skin. They will have a juicy pulp that has retained all the beneficial substances. Light grains indicate that the fruit has not ripened. But browns indicate overripe and the beginning of rotting of pomegranate. Having found such a fruit, it is better to set it aside.

Chemical composition

To understand under what diseases it is possible to eat pomegranate, and for which it is worth to refrain, you need to look at the chemical composition of the fruit.

Per 100 g of product, pomegranate contains an average of:

  • vitamin PP - 0.4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.03 mg;
  • vitamin A - 5 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.01 mg;
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 18 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 4 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.4 mg;
  • vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.5 mg;
  • calcium - 10 mg;
  • magnesium - 2 mg;
  • sodium - 2 mg;
  • potassium - 150 mg;
  • phosphorus - 8 mg;
  • iron -1 mg.

The nutritional value:

  • calorie content - 72 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 14.5 g;
  • dietary fiber - 0.9 g;
  • water - 81 g;
  • organic acids - 1.8 g;
  • ash - 0.5 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 14.5 g.


Check out how the pomegranate looks in the photo.

Health benefits and harms

With gastritis

A large amount of acid in pomegranate causes irritation of the gastric mucosa, which means it can cause exacerbation of chronic gastritis with high acidity.

In this case pomegranate juice should be consumed thirty minutes after a meal, diluted with water: 100 ml of juice per 100 ml of water.

With gastritis with low acidity, on the contrary, it will be useful. The tannins in the fruit will contribute to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, while preserving the intestinal microflora and normalizing the digestion process. To do this, drink half a glass of pomegranate juice daily half an hour before meals, but not during an exacerbation of the disease.

With pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, you can introduce sweet varieties of pomegranate into the diet, but only during remission. The fact is that acids enhance the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes, contributing to inflammation. And tannins in the composition of pomegranate have a fixing effect, aggravating intestinal atony, and have a choleretic effect, that is, they activate pancreatic enzymes even more.

Start off you can use pomegranate in case of chronic pancreatitis a week after the onset of remission. For starters, 1 tablespoon of juice per day or a few grains will be enough. Follow your well-being: if there was no negative reaction in the form of diarrhea or temperature, then you can gradually increase the volume of juice to one hundred milliliters, and the number of grains to half a pomegranate per day.

With gout

For those who suffer from gouty arthritis, pomegranate will be helpful. The cause of gout is a metabolic disorder. And the fruits of red fruit are known for dispersing the metabolism. In addition, pomegranate normalizes the level of uric acid and cholesterol. But there are no harmful purines and oxalic acid in it.

But you should not be zealous at the same time: fructose contained in pomegranate can provoke an increase in the content of uric acid. Consume 200 g of pomegranate seeds several times a week.

With cancer

The anticancer properties of pomegranate fruits have long been known. Scientists have discovered the cytotoxicity of pomegranate juice in relation to several types of cancer cells: it helps inhibit the growth of tumors in the lungs, colon, prostate and skin.

Pomegranate can also be effective in treating breast cancer. In this case, you need to drink three glasses of freshly squeezed juice per day. Of course, in the absence of contraindications.

We suggest watching a video about the benefits of pomegranate in the fight against cancer:

With iron deficiency anemia

One of the most famous properties of pomegranate is its ability to beneficially affect the composition of the blood, increasing the concentration of hemoglobin. The course of treatment can last from 2 to 4 months. Pomegranate juice is drunk before meals, 1/2 cup 3 times a day. An even more useful option is to dilute it with beet or carrot juice.

Is he allergenic?

All exotic fruits, and pomegranate are no exception, potential allergens. Its juice contains pigments, which, due to individual intolerance, can cause a reaction in an allergic person. In addition to hives and itching, it can be a feeling of weakness, dizziness, nausea, and even cramping.

Under pressure

Pomegranate contains Vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids and vegetable fats.. These substances help reduce blood pressure and relieve headaches, due to its positive effect on the hormonal background of the body. Therefore, hypertensive patients are recommended to eat pomegranate daily or drink 240 ml of juice per day.

But hypotonics should be careful not to use pomegranates often, despite all its benefits. In this case, it is worth limiting the consumption of the drink to 50 ml per day.

We offer you to watch a video about the use of pomegranate for pressure problems:

For children

No matter how useful the pomegranate, it is necessary to give it to children carefully. The berry will show all the beneficial properties only with proper and moderate consumption. You can start giving pomegranates to children from two years old. To begin with, no more than a quarter. And already in three years you can slightly increase the portion to half.

The whole fruit can be given only after a few years, when the stomach is ready for the aggressive effects of fruit acids. This will happen after about seven years.


Studies show that the substances contained in pomegranate help to normalize estrogen levels in the female body, relieve menopause and prevent depression.

Besides, the fruit contains vitamin E, which is often called the "female vitamin". It is he who slows down the aging process in cells. No wonder it is added to creams for mature facial skin. With a lack of vitamin E, a woman may experience a violation of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in sexual desire.

We must not forget about the importance for the woman's body of nicotinic acid, which is also found in pomegranate fruits. This substance is necessary for the formation of hormones necessary in the female body, and protects against malfunctioning of the ovaries and even infertility.


You probably know that doctors prescribe to pregnant women folic acid (vitamin B9), which is contained in pomegranate. This substance is involved in the formation of nerve cells in the embryo.

Its daily use will help to avoid pathologies in development and to avoid premature birth. In the postpartum period, the fruit will reduce the risk of postpartum depression..

We suggest watching a video on the use of pomegranate by a woman during pregnancy:

When breastfeeding

It is believed that during breastfeeding red fruits and vegetables are best excluded from the diet so as not to provoke allergies and colic. Still, pomegranate can be left out of its benefits.

Truth, there is a grenade with HS you need to carefully, watching the baby’s reaction. If a negative reaction does not occur, you can increase the portion of grains or juice, not forgetting moderation, so as not to harm the body.


Pomegranate also benefits men. Scientists have found that the juice of this fruit affects potency. However, this property of pomegranate was known in antiquity. Similarly to impotence medications, the juice of this fruit increases the level of nitric oxide in the blood, which leads to the rapid expansion of blood vessels.

Pomegranate contains a considerable amount of antioxidants, being an effective prophylactic against prostate cancer.

To give or not to pets?

Let’s figure out whether it is possible to feed cats, dogs, rats, parrots and hamsters with pomegranate.

  • To dogs.

    Pomegranate is contraindicated for these animals. The dog’s stomach is sensitive to acids, so pomegranate can cause digestive problems and vomiting. And small bones, which dogs will not just chew, can damage the esophagus.

  • Hamsters.

    In hamsters, an exotic product can also cause problems. The fruit can cause poisoning, and for a small animal that does not tolerate disease, it can be dangerous.

  • Parrots.

    But the parrots will not do any harm. To get started, treat your pet with a couple of grains. If the fruit is not allergic, then the number of pomegranate nucleoli can be increased, bringing to 10-12 pieces within a couple of weeks.

  • To rats.

    You can treat pomegranate and domestic rat. She will love the delicious flesh. But often this is not recommended. In addition, it is worthwhile to monitor whether the new product has caused allergies.

  • Cats.

    There are types of food for cats, which include pomegranate powder or pomegranate seeds. But experimenting with a natural product is not worth it, so that the sharp bones do not damage the cat's stomach.

What diseases can not be?

There are a number of diseases in which pomegranate is absolutely contraindicated. This fruit, as well as juice from its fruits, should not be consumed by those who:

  • sick with peptic ulcer;
  • suffers from constipation;
  • with hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

We offer you to watch a video about contraindications for the use of pomegranate:

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about the benefits of pomegranate for children, men and women:


When used properly and following the recommendations, pomegranates can be of great benefit to their fans. After all, vitamins and minerals that are contained in the fruits of pomegranate help to maintain the chemical balance necessary for the body. Regular use of pomegranate is the prevention of many serious diseases..

Watch the video: 20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach (October 2024).

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