A guest from Africa on our windowsills is a fat girl. Overview of species, their names and photos, useful tips for care

The flower Crassula (aka Crassula, money tree) has long been one of the leading places in indoor gardening. Due to its unpretentiousness in care and decorative properties, this plant is chosen by both beginners and experienced growers, and even people who are completely far from this. To answer the question “Which money tree is better?”, An article will help, in which we will consider all the main varieties of a fat woman, show a photo of each, and also tell about the nuances of care and help you choose exactly the variety or species that suits you personally!

Varieties of money tree, their names and photos

Small-headed (capitella)

Small-headed - perhaps the most volatile species of fatty: It has so many varieties that each is often mistaken for a separate look. Leaves are grooved, narrow, pale green, dotted with numerous red dots. In some varieties, the leaves are almost completely painted over with bright red. Collected in a socket from which peduncles grow in spring and summer. They can reach 45 centimeters in length. The flowers are small, light pink. The trunk is thin.

Crassula capitella feels best in a dark place. Propagated by cuttings.

Rosularis (rosularis)

Crassula rosularis - stemless perennial planthaving a creeping rhizome and giving stolons.

The flowers are small, white, with a honey-vanilla aroma. Leaves are lanceolate, dull green above and beetroot shade below. Assembled in a socket, width 2-3 cm, length - 8-9. The edges are downy.

Instance likes light and good drainage. Wintering prefers cool (about 12 degrees above zero) and almost dry. Summer watering should be plentiful, but rare.

Rock (rupestris)

The shoots of Crassula rupestris are grassy and creep, stretching up quite a bit. As they grow older, they become lignified. The maximum height is 50 cm.

The leaves, depending on the variety, can be triangular or ovoid, but for both, the tips are pointed. They always grow in pairs, smooth and dense, with a rounded bottom and an absolute flat top. Fused bases and petioles are absent.

The upper part of the sheet plate is painted in light green color, along its edge there is a strip of reddish-rusty color (continuous or strokes).

Flowers - medium sized, pink or yellow. The flowering period is the summer months.

After proper pruning, you can make a cute bonsai out of this type of fatty.

The variety of Crassula Hottentot (Hottentot) was exported from the Australian continent. It is distinguished by fleshy, thick stems, growing randomly - in different directions. The foliage is very thick.

Tom tumb (Tom tumb) - the most spectacular of the varieties of the rock type of money tree. Grows in small shrubs up to 5 cm high. The leaves are tiny (0.5 cm), light, with a red border around the edges.

Spring time

The view of Spring Time (Springtime, Springtime) is characterized by endurance to hot air and direct sunlight.. Can withstand short drought. Often used to create a composition of florariums and succulent gardens. In the house, it is most convenient to grow ampelo.

The leaves are very bright and juicy, shoots with a diameter of 3-4 cm, prone to lodging. It blooms in spring, buds are painted in different shades of lilac. It requires frequent top dressing with mineral fertilizers and annual transplantation.

The tetrahedral, or tetragona (tetragona)

Shoots of tetragona form tetrahedral, lignified columns with time, covered with airy brown roots. Leaves are awl-shaped, fleshy, up to 4 long and a half centimeter wide, in different shades of green. Unpretentious plant in care, but has the ability to grow quickly.

Mounted (umbella or umbrella)

Crassula umbrella - a rare species listed in the Red Book of South Africa. The height of the stems is 25 cm, the leaves are transverse, obovate, with a smooth surface. May be yellow, green or red. It blooms from winter to spring, the buds are white and pink, the peduncle reaches a length of 10 cm.

Umbella propagated by rhizomes and cuttings. It grows in semi-shady or sunny places with scarce, but well-drained and moist soil.

Rogers (rogersii)

Crassula rogersii is a small branched succulent. The leaves are round, covered with a white fluff, velvety to the touch. The stems are fleshy, red. The flowers are star-shaped, pale yellow. This variety is easy to grow, but often suffers from fungal diseases and bed bugs.

Milky (lactea)

The length of the stems Crassula lactea at room conditions - 30 cm (in nature - 60). The stems are brown, the leaves are pale green with white dots on the edges, pointed at the ends, grow in pairs. The species blooms in January-March, releasing small and fragrant white flowers. Suitable for beginners to grow.

Nealiana or Nealeana (nealeana)

Crassula nealeana has horizontal shoots 10-15 cm long and 1-2 cm in diameter. The leaves are silvery, juicy, with a red border. Flowers are solitary, grow on the tops of shoots, white and fragrant. The specimens growing in the open sun without protective glasses turn red.

Helms (helmsii)

Crassula helmsii grown in aquariums and wet oranges. The sheet plate is lanceolate or linear in shape, thick, pointed. The plant can reach a height of 30 cm in height. It does not tolerate shading. The flowers are white, tiny.


Crassula marnieriana is a small but very hardy plant with a straight stem and heart-shaped blue leaves. It blooms luxuriantly with white flowers.

Bearded (barbata)

Crassula barbata - plant with a rosette of spirally pubescent pubescent leaves. In the spring, a flower stalk sprouts from the center. Flowers are white or pink. Does not survive in frosts. Good ventilation and shading from direct sunlight are required.

Scion (sarmentosa)

The leaves of the sarmentosa cultivar are bright, glossy, 1-2 cm long. Creeping shoots, grow quickly. The maximum length is 30-50 cm. White single flowers appear on the tops of the shoots.

Variety "variegata" (Sarmentosa variegata) is distinguished by the appearance of flowers and leaves: the leaves of the variegate crassula have a bright yellow edging, and the flowers are star-shaped, snow-white.

Proneseleaf (perfoliata)

Crassula perfoliata (Crassula przednolistnaya or pierced) - differs in its original appearance: the leaves are as if strung on a stem. They are lanceolate, fleshy, covered with red dots, and the edges are serrated. Plant height - 50 cm. Pleases with abundant flowering in the summer months. Shades of petals: red, pink and milky. It requires minimal care, is rare in the wild.


Crassula deceptor - one of the smallest succulents. It is distinguished by grayish-white dense leaves and a tetrahedral stem of a columnar shape (height about 70 mm). The leaves are densely arranged, they are ovoid, paired. The inflorescence is loose, the corolla is tubular, the flowers are small, with a sweet aroma. The receptor is a drought tolerant plant that requires a lot of light and good drainage.

Marginal or fringed (marginalis)

Crassula marginalis (marginalis) is a fluffy perennial plant up to 60 cm in height. It has aerial roots, creeping stems and ovoid leaves, widely covering the stalk. The color of the plates is gray-green, with a red stripe around the edges. Zoniform inflorescence, white flowers, bloom from January to May.

Roofing (tecta)

Crassula tecta (tecta) - another example of a miniature succulent. The leaves are oval, with a pointed end, covered with grayish warts. Grow out of the outlet. The horses are fibrous, elongated inflorescences, the corolla has a tubular shape. Undemanding in care, withstands drought.

Ovate (ovata)

Crassula ovata is a branching, large-sized shrub. It has a rounded shape and reaches a height of up to 180 cm. Its stem is thick, knotty, brown. The branches are fleshy, short, with scars from fallen leaves. The bark of old plants exfoliates with horizontal ribbons. The leaves are shiny, flat, with a burgundy border and nectar glands at the edges, ovoid. Average width - 2-4 cm, length - 3-9 cm. Flowers are star-shaped, smell sweet.

Varieties differ in the structure of the leaves: at the "Hobbit" they are folded into a tube, fleshy and with a red horizontal strip; "Mix" - flat, grow opposite each other; "Sunset" - in addition to red, there are white and yellow vertical stripes; "Minor" - the leaves are small, oblong, the scarlet strip goes not only along the outer, but also the inner side of the leaf.

Buddha's temple

Buddha's Temple has an original appearance: several square columns covered with tightly pressed leaves. It keeps up to 15 cm, then it starts to fall to one side. When viewed from above, it has the shape of a square or a cross. Leaves are paired, gray-green, buds red, pink blossoms. Flowering time depends on the conditions created.

Crescent, or Falcata (falcata)

Crassula falcata is distinguished by triangular leaves curved in different directions (up to 10 cm in length). It grows with a bush, can reach up to a meter in height.

Arachnoid (lycopodioides)

Lycopodioides does not have fleshy, rounded leaves and a tree trunk. There are several stems, each covered with many scaly leaves of an oval-triangular shape. Petals can be colored in all shades of yellow and green. The maximum height is 25 cm. It rarely blooms. This type of Crassula refers to ampelous.

Purslane or silver (argentea / portulacea)

This bushy specimen can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves of argentea are oppositely located, puffy, shiny. The trunk thickens over the years. Indoor almost does not bloom.

Perforata (perforata)

Crassula perforata - an indispensable component of mini-gardens. The peculiarity lies in the fact that its fleshy, thickened leaves grow on the stem in pairs and opposite to each other, growing together with the bases. Seen from above, they lie crosswise. Variegated, with olive stains, sometimes with red spots. The flowers are pink and red. The variety is simple in culture and undemanding to soil. Propagated by stem cuttings.


Arborescens grows large enough: up to 150 cm in volume and the same in height. The variety has a lignified trunk with many branches. The leaves are fleshy, rounded, dark green in color. The first flowering can be expected no earlier than 10 years after planting. Flowers can be yellow, red or white. The bud consists of 5 petals.

Caring for a flower

What kind of money trees are, we examined, and now we will talk about caring for this plant.

  • The fat woman loves light and warmth, but from direct sunny people, burns may appear on the leaves. Therefore, the eastern and western windows will be an ideal place to grow. In the summer months, it is useful to take the plant to the garden or balcony.
  • Suitable room temperature + 20-25 degrees. At rest (in winter) - about +14.

    Attention! The fat man needs to be kept away from heating appliances, otherwise she will begin to drop leaves.

  • Watering is moderate and only after drying an earthen coma 3-4 cm above. From November to March, water at a minimum. Water should be settled at room temperature.
  • In the hot months, the fat girl needs to be washed in the shower, protecting the soil with a film from moisture.
  • Fertilizer is selected special for succulents. In winter - once every 3 months, in summer and spring - once a month.
  • It is recommended to transplant every 2 years, in a stable pot with soil for succulents.
  • The plant propagates by seeds and cuttings, the latter option is preferable.

Who said breeding domestic plants is uninteresting? If you take care of a fat girl as a little young lady - feed and drink on time, bathe, give a beautiful shape, pick up beautiful pots and take them out to fresh air, she will give you her best qualities, become a home decoration and a talisman of well-being for many years. No generation of households will thank you!

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video about the types of fatty:

Watch the video: ШЕРЛОК ХОЛМС И ДОКТОР ВАТСОН советский фильм детектив все серии (October 2024).

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