Hybrid tea roses Ashram: description, photo, flowering, propagation and care

Rose is the queen of flowers. The variety of roses is fascinating. Modern flower shops offer a wide selection for the most sophisticated shoppers. Hybrid tea roses are the most numerous roses in the world.

This is due to unpretentiousness in cultivation, as well as a huge selection of external parameters. The article will describe in detail the appearance and features of growing one of the varieties of tea-hybrid roses - the Ashram.

Detailed description and photo

The flowers in this variety are quite large - in diameter reach 9-12 centimeters. Moreover, the buds are lush, full, there are so many petals in them that they fit snugly together. As soon as the buds are fully opened, the petals begin to turn slightly backward. This gives a special charm to the whole flower and a certain resemblance to lace varieties.

Usually rose flowers form inflorescences in the amount of 3-5 pieces on one stem. The stems grow straight up, reach a maximum height of 120 centimeters, and the minimum growth of the bush is half a meter. Shoots are scattered very widely - up to 80 cm.

Large-sized leaf plates, slightly oblong in shape. The leaves are painted in a dark green shade, there are both matte and shiny. The flowering at the Ashram is quite long.

Even after the roses are cut and placed in a vase, they can also stand for a long time. Roses of this variety have a pleasant light aroma.

The disadvantages of this variety include poor resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spotting. The variety has more advantages. These include resistance to frost, prolonged flowering, as well as its abundance.

History of occurrence

The Ashram variety is the result of the work of German breederswho work in the Tantau rose nursery. It happened at the end of the 20th century, and more precisely in 1998. Since then, this type of flower has only become more popular.

What is the difference from other varieties?

The main feature of the Ashram is the color change of the petals - at the very beginning of flowering, the buds are bright, brown-orange with a copper overflow.

Over time, the brightness of the color decreases, the petals become pale, pale peach. Also, swirling petals are extremely rare among hybrid tea roses.


When and how?

Blooming buds remain on the stems for a long time. Usually the first flowers appear in late May, sometimes in early June. It all depends on the climate of the region. You can admire the Ashram flowers until the frost - the last buds fall around the end of October.

Care before and after

Before flowering, the plant needs to be pruned. This is best done in early spring, when the risk of frost is over. If pruning was carried out in the fall, then it’s enough to cut off 5-10 centimeters, and if the shoot length has not decreased before winter, in this case, roses are cut in early spring, leaving young shoots 20-30 centimeters long.

Also, before flowering, the Ashram rose needs to be fed so that it has the strength for a long and plentiful blooming of buds. Organic fertilizers are ideal for this.

Leaving after flowering consists in the next pruning. In this case, the shoots are cut almost to the root, so that in the autumn-winter period all the pitchforks are directed to the formation of the root system, and not to the growth of unnecessary shoots.

What to do if it does not bloom?

To achieve rose bloom, it is enough to follow all the principles of proper care. We will discuss these principles in detail below. As soon as the florist adheres to all the rules for growing the Ashram roses, they will give him beautiful buds.

Use in landscape design

This kind of rose can be planted even in small areas. This plant can become the basis for the formation of a flower garden. The Ashram looks great both on its own and in group compositions. Especially beneficial look orange petals on the background of an emerald lawn.

Step-by-step care instructions

Seat selection

All roses love the sun. However, if the plant is exposed to sunlight all day, there is a high probability of burns and draining the green part. This is especially true of the southern regions of the country. Therefore, it is best to choose a place that will be in the shade before lunch, but in the afternoon the sun will shine on the rose.

Do not forget that the landing site should be well ventilated. This will protect the rose from infections.

We do not recommend planting a bush in lowlands, since cold air often stagnates there, which is why the plant's immunity decreases.

What should be the soil?

It is necessary to prepare fertile soil, which will circulate the air well. Heavy soils must be diluted with humus, peat or coarse sand before planting. But at the same time do not allow the ground to be too light. Since water quickly leaves in such a substrate, and the earth itself quickly heats up.

If your site has sandy soils, add some turf or clay soil to them. Acidity should be maintained at an average level. To increase it, you need to add peat or manure. But to reduce acidity, it is best to use olu or lime.

Seed planting

You need to plant seeds in the middle of winter. For this, ready-made soil for indoor plants is acquired. Capacity for landing is suitable for any height of at least 15 centimeters.

  1. Seeds are placed in the soil no deeper than 1 cm.
  2. It is necessary to moisten the soil from the spray gun so that the seed does not wash out under the flow of water. It is best to combine the irrigation process with top dressing with a growth stimulator.
  3. In the first two weeks, the seeds should be covered with a film, which must be opened daily for ventilation.

Watering seedlings is necessary as the soil dries. Once a month, seedlings must be fed with finished mineral fertilizers. After 1.5-2 months, seedlings can be transferred to open ground. But at the same time, the earth should be warmed up to at least 12-15 degrees of heat.


The minimum temperature for the Ashram rose is 7-12 degrees Celsius. But the maximum temperature is 25-28 degrees. If the air warms above these parameters, it is better to shade the plant and spray it more often so that it does not get burns or dry out. The optimum temperature in the summer is 22-25 degrees above zero.


This is a mandatory care event. Water for irrigation should be settled, medium temperature. You need to calculate water in the amount of 15-20 liters per bush. On hot and dry days, moisten the soil twice a week. Closer to September, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every ten days.

Top dressing

This procedure should be carried out seasonally. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are used, and in the autumn, phosphorus and potassium should be fertilized. At the very beginning of spring, the soil needs to be mixed with manure and humus.


You need to trim the bushes in the spring. Do this while the first buds appear on the shoots.

  • Strong pruning is often done for old bushes.
  • When pruning old shoots of roses, 20-25 centimeters are left.
  • Medium pruning is necessary in order to improve the flowering and make this process earlier.
  • In autumn they get rid of old and sick shoots only.


This is best done in early autumn or late spring. The main condition is that there should not be flowers on the shoots. The Ashram rose is transplanted along with the entire root system. After transplanting, the plant should be abundantly watered and fed with organic fertilizer.

Preparation for winter

In addition to pruning, preparation for winter includes sheltering rhizomes and remaining shoots. However, it is better not to rush with shelter.

Until the air temperature drops below 7 degrees below zero, there is no need for insulation. On the contrary, such weak frosts help the rose prepare for winter.


The Rose Ashram can be propagated exclusively in the vegetative way. Only in this case, the plant will retain all its species characteristics. Cutting cuttings is necessary only from young healthy shoots. This is best done after the first flowering wave.

Diseases and Pests

The following pests can attack the Rose Ashram:

  • rose aphids;
  • spider mite;
  • leaflets;
  • nutcracker beetles.

You can deal with these pests in one way - use fungicidal drugs.

Of the diseases most commonly found are:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • chlorosis.

Cope with ailments will help spraying with insecticides.

Use any funds several times with an interval of 5-7 days.

Roses always remain queens among flowers. However, queens always require increased attention to themselves. But all the efforts of the grower will not be in vain, because Ashram roses are distinguished by magnificent plentiful flowering, which lasts for a long time.

Watch the video: Mogra. फल स भर जयग मगर. With Update (October 2024).

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