2 types of citrus and pomegranate juicers, as well as tips on how to make a drink without special devices

Bright, tart, with a rich taste of autumn - all this is about pomegranate juice. In every drop there is a sea of ​​good and pleasure. Throughout the gloomy autumn and cold winter, he supplies our body with useful substances.

Many drink the store version, but pomegranate juice can be prepared at home and be sure of its high quality and unsurpassed properties. How to squeeze a drink at home and what is needed to make delicious pomegranate juice?

Benefits of a Homemade Pomegranate Drink

Pomegranate juice is quite an expensive treat therefore, manufacturers often try to reduce the cost of the final product. The benefits of such a drink are in doubt. The advantages of home-made pomegranate juice over factory juice are obvious:

  • there are no preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers;
  • you don’t even have to put sugar;
  • fresh pomegranate squeezed at home will be 100% fresh;
  • the cooking process is under the complete control of the hostess - from choosing fruit to serving;
  • squeezes from crusts and films will not get into the treat.

What is useful?

Pomegranate is a storehouse of nutrients and elements. Natural freshly squeezed juice retains all its properties:

  • helps to regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the content of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid, calcium;
  • contributes to the healing of microflora in the intestine;
  • has the properties of a natural antiseptic;
  • having a diuretic effect, does not wash out potassium;
  • powerful antioxidant that can remove free radicals;
  • enhances immunity, helps recover after operations;
  • actively participates in hematopoiesis - increases hemoglobin level, makes blood vessels and capillaries stronger, normalizes blood circulation;
  • hypertensive patients appreciate him for his ability to reduce blood pressure;
  • increases potency.

We offer you to watch a video about the benefits of pomegranate juice:

Selection and preparation of raw materials

If you want to enjoy the tart pomegranate juice, you need to choose the right fruit.

  1. the fetus must be heavy and dense;
  2. the color of ripe fruit is bright, possibly with orange streaks, without spots;
  3. the skin is rough and not too dry to the touch;
  4. grains show through a skin slightly, are felt by fingers;
  5. the crown (tail) should be dried inside, without any green shoots or live inflorescences;
  6. ripe pomegranate does not smell.
Well, if you can taste the fruit and choose the most sweet and juicy.

How to squeeze without special tools?

How to squeeze juice? There are several ways to make pomegranate juice without special technical devices. The first step, with rare exceptions, is to clean the pomegranate. To do this, they wash it well, cut off the “crown” and lower it into a bowl of water, where it is broken into small pieces. At the same time, the grains float, and the films can be easily separated. What is the best way to squeeze pomegranates without using a juicer?

  • Spin through cheesecloth. Pomegranate is peeled, membranes are removed. Grains are stacked in cheesecloth, which is placed in an enameled container. With the help of a rolling pin, a crush, a pestle, a glass thick-walled bottle or any improvised object, the seeds are kneaded until there are only bones left in the gauze. Juice is poured through a sieve into a clean container.
  • Spin in the package. Pure grains of pomegranate are placed in a dense plastic bag with a fastener and rolled out with a rolling pin “to the very bones”. The resulting juice is poured into a corner cut in a bag through cheesecloth or a sieve into a dry, well-washed dish.
  • Inside the grenade. A ripe fruit with a whole peel is taken, which is flexed with your hands (you can roll on the table) to a soft state. The main principle: the better the pomegranates are mashed, the more juice will depart. The fruit thus treated is cut with a knife, the contents are poured into a glass. This method is suitable for those with trained hands. Forces, as a rule, are enough for only one serving.
  • Using a blender. Pomegranate grains are ground in a blender bowl. The resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth, folded in five layers.

We suggest watching a video on how to get pomegranate juice without using a juicer:

Spin using a juicer

How to squeeze juice using a juicer? Many housewives have juicers today. However, this unit is not always suitable when you need to squeeze juice from pomegranate - thick partitions, cake from seeds can clog the mechanism. Besides, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of a specific model of kitchen appliances and carefully study the instructions so as not to simply break the device. If there are no restrictions in the instructions, then the juice can also be obtained through a juicer. This method is good when you need to process a large number of fruits.

  1. Wash the pomegranates and wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Separate the grains, remove the white film, which will give the juice bitterness. This is important if the drink is prepared for the child.
  3. Pass grain through a juicer. Done.

Flavoring additives

Pomegranate juice in its pure form is not everyone likes to taste. The following ingredients will help soften tartness, add benefits:

  • apple juice (mixed in a ratio of 1: 1);
  • honey;
  • lemon juice or zest (on average 1 per liter);
  • black currant;
  • spices:
    1. cloves;
    2. cinnamon;
    3. nutmeg.

Special devices

To provide the family with a sufficient supply of juice, it is better to use special devices that will help optimize the process of extracting the drink. The special pomegranate juicer copes with the task perfectly. The most popular lever or mechanical devices, as well as electrical.

Lever - mechanical juicer, including citrus

The lever juicer operates on the principle of a press. The grenade is laid on the bottom base and pressed with a cone-shaped nozzle and lever. Grains and films remain on the grid, pure juice flows into the container. When choosing such a device, you must meticulously evaluate the mounting mechanism between the parts - the device's service life depends on its reliability.

The juicer should be made of stainless materials, preferably stainless steel or cast iron. Being quite high, it should stand stably on the surface of the table, it is good if the kit includes rubber pads, suction cups or convenient latches. The cost of a lever juicer for pomegranate in Moscow and St. Petersburg starts from 3-4 thousand for the simplest model and reaches 30 thousand rubles. Models of top manufacturers start at 10 thousand rubles.


Electric or automatic pomegranate juicers are characterized by high performance. Today in household appliance stores they are represented in all their diversity. The principle of operation of an electric juicer - the motor drives a press or auger, processing of pomegranate is carried out without much effort. The spin speed depends on the power of the equipment - the more watts, the higher it is.

Convenient models in which there is a reverse function. The nozzle rotates in different directions, and the apparatus does not become clogged with oil cake. The kit often includes special measuring cups, brushes for cleaning the filter. The cost of an electric juicer in Moscow and St. Petersburg starts from 5 thousand rubles for home use, for production - from 30 thousand rubles.

How to store?

The best storage container is a sealed glass container. Homemade juice is a perishable drink whose shelf life does not exceed two days in the refrigerator.

However, if the need arose, keep it for several months, then you should adhere to the algorithm:

  1. sterilize glass containers;
  2. heat the juice to a boil;
  3. pour into jars or bottles;
  4. close with a lid;
  5. warm in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, depending on the volume of the container;
  6. roll up covers;
  7. turn the cans upside down and insulate for the night.

After this treatment, the juice wintered while retaining its beneficial properties.

The maximum shelf life of sterilized pomegranate juice does not exceed two years.

Pomegranate juice is very beneficial for the human body for many reasons. However, you should not abuse it. Experts recommend consuming no more than three glasses of juice diluted with water per day (in its pure form 30-50 grams). A competent approach will benefit, raise strength and help maintain youth.

Watch the video: 4 Ways To Make Anar Juice. Pomegranate Juice By Hand or Mixer (October 2024).

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