How many calories you need to eat per day to lose weight

Not everyone who dreams of a beautiful and slim body knows and applies the method of counting calories of food consumed. Using this method in practice, you can eat with virtually no restrictions, but in moderation.

At first it will seem that it is difficult to make mathematical calculations, because you need to mentally weigh each slice, keep a nutrition diary, and record data. But this is only the first time: in the future you will get used to such a regimen and you can easily say how much nutrition is in a particular product or ready-made dish. Beginners, by the way, will use special mobile applications that simplify calorie counting.

Preparing for weight loss and precautions

The preparatory step for losing weight will be an increase in the amount of fluid consumed. It really works, because a few minutes before a meal, you can drink a glass of ordinary water to fill the space in the stomach, so saturation will happen faster. This is a good habit that promotes mood for weight loss, and normalizes the water balance in the body.

Anyone who dreams of weight loss, it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in the diet: a significant reduction in portions, the exclusion of familiar foods and dishes. Everything must be done gradually in order to avoid exhaustion and malfunction of the body.

Try to increase physical activity to achieve great results. If you already do sports or attend any practice, take this fact into account when calculating calories.

The correct calculation of calories for weight loss for women

Calories are calculated taking into account the nature of life. Below I will give one of the options for women:

ActivityLifestyleAge category, yearsCalorie menu, kcal
Lack of activity, inactive.19-252000
Moderate activity, physical activity is present, a visit to the gym 1-2 times a week.19-252200
Active sports, increased activity.19-302400

Also, daily calculations can be carried out according to the following algorithm:

№1.Weight in kilograms multiplied by 10.
№2.Height in centimeters is multiplied by 6.25.
№3.Add up the data that you received as a result of the first two calculations in points No. 1 and No. 2.
№4.Age in years, multiply by 5.
№5.From the resulting value in paragraph No. 3, subtract the number from paragraph No. 4.
№6.Subtract 161 from the value of item No. 5.
№7.The figure from point 6 multiply by the coefficient of physical activity:
✓ Low activity ☞1,2
✓ Average activity ☞1,38
✓ Moderate loads ☞1,46
✓ Intensive training1,55
✓ Daily activities ☞1,64
✓ Training twice a day ☞1,73
✓ Physical activity combined with physical work ☞1,9

This will be the amount of calories optimal for your body.

If you want to lose weight quite a bit, the following calculation option is suitable.

Take a piece of paper, a calculator and fix the weight you want to achieve. Then multiply your ideal figure by the physical activity coefficient, which you see below:

  • 27 - if you move a little, and work is not associated with physical activity;
  • 29 - sometimes do sports or go to the gym;
  • 34 - regularly visit the gym or pool;
  • 37 - training is intense and daily;
  • 42 - if you spend a lot of energy at work or training lasts more than 4 hours a day.

Perhaps this option is the most successful, since rapid weight loss with large weight (obesity) often causes drooping of the internal organs, sagging skin, wrinkling.

Calculation of calories for weight loss for men

For representatives of the stronger sex, there are separate calculation methods, together with those that I examined above. But in the step-by-step algorithm (see in the previous section), instead of subtracting the number 161, you have to add 5. Everything else is unchanged.

If you do not want to trouble yourself with calculations, use the proposed table.

ActivityLifestyleAge category, yearsCalorie menu, kcal
Lack of activity, inactive.19-302400
Moderate activity, physical activity is present, a visit to the gym 1-2 times a week.19-302600-2800
Active sports, increased activity.19-303000

Calorie calculations can also be done in the online calculator or mobile application, where you enter your indicators of weight, height, age. The program will issue data in seconds.

We attach much importance to what we eat, but what we drink also has calories. Men are great lovers of beer and sweet soda. And if a woman can say “No” to herself, then a man without a thought will drink a can of his favorite beer or cola before going to bed.

Among nutritious drinks are natural juices: tomato is considered one of the leaders in calorie content. For those who love fruit juices, nutritionists recommend diluting them with water.

Do not forget about coffee and tea. These are not very high-calorie drinks, but in addition to milk, sugar, toppings, cream with regular use, they can have the opposite effect. Often, tea party goes into a full meal, because it is difficult to resist and not eat at least one cookie, candy, donut. Therefore, if you drink coffee or tea, try to limit yourself only to the drink itself.

How to calculate the number of calories per day for teens 14-16 years old

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists do not recommend that teenagers enter strict food restrictions for a simple reason: their body is still growing and the hormonal background is unstable. If health problems appear against the background of excess weight, then counting calories can painlessly improve the situation.

The procedure for a growing organism is not difficult, as nutritionists did it for us. With normal development and sufficient activity, adolescent girls aged 14-16 should consume no more than 2500 calories per day, and boys should not consume more than 3000 calories. If, with such a diet, excess weight is observed, after consulting a doctor, you can gradually reduce calories:

  • For girls - 1800.
  • For guys - 2200.

This will be a safe solution to stay fit and healthy.

An approximate full menu of up to 1500 calories per day for women

A diet of 1,500 calories makes it possible to get rid of extra pounds and lose weight if combined with physical activity. Below I will present an approximate menu, adhering to which you will achieve the goal and be able to lose weight.

BreakfastOatmeal on the water, 1 toast and black coffee.35030 minutes before the meal, you should drink a glass of water. After 1 hour, drink a glass of water.
LunchIt comes in an hour and a half after the first breakfast. On the menu: tea without sugar and a few nuts. You can eat some cottage cheese.15030 minutes after eating, drink 1 glass of water, then you can exercise (about half an hour). And drink another glass of water half an hour after training.
DinnerA portion of porridge and a piece of meat or fish, steamed or boiled. You can supplement with vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.450An hour after lunch - 1 glass of water.
High teaLow-fat first course with a slice of brown bread.250After an hour - 1 glass of water.
DinnerThe menu is stewed vegetables.200Traditionally - a glass of water in an hour.
Second dinnerA glass of low-fat kefir.100An hour before bedtime - 1 glass of water.

The following tips will help in observing the diet:

  1. Do not skip breakfast. This is the guarantee of energy for the whole day. The first meal can consist of nutritious foods: eggs, cheese, dried fruits and nuts, milk, meat.
  2. Lunch should also be on the schedule: meat or fish in combination with vegetables and cereals will provide lightness and satiety until the next meal.
  3. The last meal is four hours before bedtime.
  4. Snacks between meals are allowed. This avoids overeating. For snacks tea, honey.
  5. About 2 liters of water should be drunk per day.
  6. Do not dine with junk food, take food with you on the road or to work. The most wholesome food is that prepared at home.
  7. Do not overeat.
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An approximate full menu of up to 2000 calories per day for men

In books on dietetics or on sites you can find a ton of different menus for 2000 calories, and I offer several of them.

Menu number 1.

  1. Breakfast: a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey and a bun.
  2. Lunch: tea, a few slices of black bread with butter and herbs.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, a slice of boiled dietary meat, a couple of potatoes, fruit salad seasoned with lemon juice and sugar.
  4. Snack: tomato juice or a few tomatoes and crackers.
  5. Dinner: a few slices of brown bread with butter and herbs.

Menu number 2.

  1. Breakfast: tea with brown bread.
  2. Lunch: a glass of kefir with a slice of brown bread.
  3. Lunch: broth, a piece of boiled fish, some potatoes with herbs, a salad of green vegetables.
  4. Dinner: a glass of milk with a slice of brown bread and honey.
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What nutritionists say about calorie counting

According to nutritionists, any diet and dietary restrictions should be commensurate with lifestyle and health. A sharp rejection of the previous diet leads to significant stress for the body, can become a trigger for various diseases. If you decide to eat calories, achieve the goal gradually.

EXAMPLE! It is planned to consume no more than 1800 calories per day. Today, the diet has a calorie content of 3,000 units with a sedentary lifestyle. So, at the first stage, reduce it by 300-400 calories. In a few weeks you can introduce restrictions already at 600-800. Within 1.5-2 months, the diet will come in the right calorie content. The results of efforts will also not go unnoticed.

Nutritionists are not advised to introduce significant restrictions on the nutrition of adolescents, as their body is still developing. Any diets for children and adolescents are only relevant if the state of health requires it.

Nutritionists also speak in favor of a competent distribution of calories and frequency of food intake.

  1. There are 5-6 times a day. At the same time, three are the main ones, and a few more are additional snacks.
  2. The interval between meals should be at least 2 hours.
  3. If the schedule is tight and saturated, you can determine the hours of eating yourself.
  4. The most high-calorie (nutritious) foods are recommended to be consumed in the morning. The evening menu should consist of the most "light" products.
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Useful tips and interesting information.

If you are looking for real results, consider the following practical tips.

  • Many overestimate the level of their loads and physical activity, therefore, as a result of individual calorie counting, they do not receive the most accurate data. Calculations according to the formula are better to underestimate than to overestimate.
  • Remember to weigh portions. At first, it is difficult to clearly evaluate the value. If you know the weight of the dish, you can accurately record the number of calories consumed. Otherwise, the method is inefficient.
  • Calorie counting is meticulous. Always add even those calories found in sauces, juices, and coffee. Only a strict calculation will lead to the desired result.

Nutritionists focus on the quality of food. Cooking products must be fresh. The diet is balanced: the optimal combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, get health problems.

Do not forget that a healthy diet includes seasonal fruits and vegetables, lots of greens, fiber-enriched foods. Of meat products, pay special attention to dietary types - beef, rabbit, turkey. From fish, seafood enriched with OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 acids is suitable.

Watch the video: How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Lose Weight (January 2025).

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